SNG Study?
Im sorry if this is in the wrong catagory, couldn't see a purely SNG thread, it looked to be MTT's or HU SNG, so i assumed that it was alright to toss it in here.
I've played cash for the last 15 years, anything ranging up to NL500. Been a while since i last put in any real volume, my thought was to make the switch to SNG's, and mix in MTT's whenever the time is there for me. But since i've never actually studied SNG's, i would love to know how to go about it?
ICMizer study tool?
Training sites?
My thought was to look into 6-50 man SNG's, and maybe mix in a few 180's. But to keep my main volume around sub 18 man.
Any tips and advice is highly appreciated.
1 Reply
Definitely same thing as tournaments strategy wise.
You should look at HRC to work on ICM stuff, the beta adds new features regularly.
And then a regular solver for postflop work.