Multiway with weak top pair
Daily live tournament, field is mostly recs but both opponents here seemed good and tricky.
30-40 BBs, had A4o in SB. One limper, I complete, the BB checks. (4 BBs)
Flop A5T with a flush draw (we have no blockers). I lead for 2 BBs, V1 calls, V2 puts in a 3x raise.
Annoying spot. I felt I was too strong to fold, too weak to 3 bet, and if I called most of the deck would be bad, and we are in bad shape against almost any other ace.
10 Replies
Easy fold. Your hand has poorish equity vs a call and a raise, and terrible visibility even on clean turns. Your best turn is one of the two safe fours, and even then you are on the defensive.
Not clear we should even be betting flop for the above reasons.
I wouldn't bet either, if we get raised we have to dump it unless we plan on GII on the flop which if called you'll most assuredly be in bad shape, hardly any good turn cards besides an A or 4, c/c flop and c/f turn to a bet if you don't improve.
Let's say you isolated pre and villian back raised... I think your reaction would be similar as played.
Check flop. Tread with caution.
You probably have the best hand on the flop but I would never lead this hand.
As played call the raise and evaluate turn.
I like the flop bet (the sizing and the fact that you made the bet). You get to find out right away where you stand. Gutters will likely call though there probably aren't a lot of hands that have 2 broadways. Ax will likely call though there wouldn't be many of them. Flush draws will always call. Tx/5x might call at least some of the time. The best part is you can just take down the hand right away. The second best part is you got raised and can let it go extremely cheaply.
I would fold here because why would V2 raise 3x with two potential callers? I think its is to get callers. I would guess 2 pair (like A5) or a set (55). It could be worth calling to see what happens on the turn but our hand is very unlikely to improve and if it does we may still be behind. Especially if V1 calls with a flush draw.
It is possible that V2 is raising with a flush draw and a pair and that we are ahead (it isn't clear which card is not part of the flush draw). In this case V2 would have to check the turn for us to continue. The other reason to call is that V2 isn't likely to have AT/AA/TT or they would have open raised not limped (most of the time). So it does limit hands that are ahead of us.
For me if I was going to call the flop raise I think I would just have check/called.
It may be a correct play to complete here pre. Post I'm quite sure we shall proceed with caution. Check/call and evaluate the turn.
I don’t like the lead, you just inflate the pot, lose a bunch when your behind and and get bluffed off your hand a ton when your ahead. What position is V2 with his limp?
I think leading is the big mistake here.
This is where you have to think about the hand beyond your initial bet. How many bets do you want to go in on this hand? This is especially important in NLH because bets grow exponentially. And the more money you put in, the more polarized the ranges get.
I wouldn't be that comfortable postflop beyond two bets. Anything beyond that and I'm either no good or my opponent is running a huge bluff in a limped pot. The latter seems unlikely. So I don't want to inflate the pot here.
But now that you've bet out and gotten raised, you've put yourself in a position where you might have to put in four bets to see showdown.
And you're almost never good in that case, and you've grossly inflated the pot if you played the hand in a way to put you in that position.
This is an easy check here. If it checks through, you can bet most turns. You can call one bet if the flop gets bet and go from there. The board is pretty static, so the chances of you getting outdrawn if you're good are fairly slim.
But as played you've put yourself in a spot where you're going to be facing bet sizes you can't call down in the future, so you have to fold now.
Ya so def think check flop given position. And sure he can have trash, but for what it’s worth when someone who is hyper aggro limps I’m always a bit suss.