Modern Day Betsizing?
I remembered back in the days when a cbet was 1/2 the pot to 2/3 the pot. Preflop raise sizes was 3x to 4x mostly. Almost nobody minraised. But obviously the game has changed where it went to 2.5x... and now its like 2x or 2.3x etc. But not only that, i noticed that the flop bet sizing is very different now. Back then it would cbet 1/2 the pot or 2/3rd the pot. 3/4 the pot if draw heavy. But it seems now, players are 1/4 to 1/3 the pot size in cbetting now.
Does anyone even cbet more than 1/2 the pot anymore? The thing is i notice even daniel negreanu mentioned in his vlogs when he plays in those high roller tournaments, okay we will cbet here with our entire range. Then would bet like 20k into an 80k pot and this is standard. I understand when you do this, well it keeps your range wide and also keeps the callers range wide. But why is this the norm? I mean if you have aa or kk and raise and get 2 callers. Let say pot is 2000 chips to make it simple. I mean if you bet 500 chips or 1/4 the pot, not only are you giving great pot odds, it basically allow other players to play back at you. Now i know this is what you want when you have a big hand, but with aa and no set, well you have 1 pair only. I notice players online would cbet like 1/3rd the pot even on board like j 10 8 with 2 clubs and they have AA. How can this be even correct. I could understand this if say starting stacks are like 40bb and less. But this is wrong when you have an 60bb or 100bb or 150bb stack right? Or do players do this even when deepstack like 150bb deep? Bet sizing postflop should be like a cash game when you are 100bb deep right?
Because back then if board is j 10 8 with 2 clubs and you have 2 red aces, well you should bet at least 2/3rd the pot because its a very draw heavy board... it would be recommended to bet even larger than that. But the reason players dont do it now is b/c it makes your range very narrow right? What is the real reason for this bet sizing?
2. I noticed that even cbets are very tiny, it seems like the norm is bet small for cbet like 1/3rd the pot... then on the turn and river... start betting 2/3rd the pot or larger? Its like okay cbet flop 1/4 to 1/3rd the pot. Then the turn is like 2/3rd the pot. Then river is usually like 1/2 to pot or even more. I remember some high stakes cash game players online would do stuff like this but is this the norm for mtt play now? Back then the standard was like 1/2 pot flop, turn and river or 2/3rd the pot etc. But rarely was it small bet flop, then bet big turn and river. Because online that seems to be the norm. So its basically incorrect to bet anything bigger than half the pot on the flop? I mean it would be wrong to cbet 2/3rd the pot nowadays? Or that is fine when stacks are deep but how deep?
3. Preflop raise size. We all know about the min raise to 2.1 or 2.2 or 2.3x raise size. But when players are deep like 60bb or more, that is incorrect right? I mean if a player has 100bb, that player should not be min raising or 2.1x raise? Thus the min raise and 2.1x should only be done when your stack is say 40bb or less? Does anyone have a general guideline of preflop bet sizing according to their stacks? Like something like this
40bb stack and below... 2x to 2.3x
41bb-100bb stack... 2.5x
101bb-150bb stack... 3x
151bb stack... 3x - 3.5x
When i play sometimes, i go okay should i make this 2.1x or 2.5x? Or 2.5x or 3x? Sometimes i might say okay should i go 3.5x or 4x because its 200bb deep etc.
Can someone post some hand histories here of hands played by good mtt players where it shows stack size such as okay this is how you play an overpair or tptk with a 100bb stack.. vs 60bb stack vs 40bb stack vs 30bb stack and 20bb stack etc? Because i like to know the bet size percentages postflop on this.
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When players are like 100bb deep, isn't min raising bad? Seems like you should be 2.5x at least? How are you going to play a big pot then when min raising or 2.1x while that deep?
What are your thoughts of betting 1bb into a raised preflop pot when you are the preflop raiser and either someone in lp calls or the bb calls? I can understand a 1bb bet with shallow stacks when the flop comes like A 3 9 rainbow or A A 8 rainbow... but players seem to do this on wetter boards? Even if stacks are shallow, doing that on 10 8 5 rainbow seems wrong?
What about the thing that not all ace high boards are the same? Such that some are bigger bet sizes compared to others? The other thing is when the board comes A K 10 with a flush draw, as the preflop raiser, this hits your range more so you should bet often and bet small... but since it's draw heavy, you suppose to bet bigger. So it's like a conflict of bet sizes. So this would depend more on stack size correct? Shallow stacks, smaller bet size? However, when a pot comes J 10 8 with a flush draw, it seems ridiciulous to bet 1/3 pot since that board is draw heavy even if stacks are shallow?