AQs in UTG, facing check raise on flop, and 30 BB jam on river TPTK
I would love to know how you'd play flop and turn. I think the sizing on the flop can be smaller (30-40%) to induce bluffs but the turn call is tough as he can have completed flushes, 4x as well as bluffs in his range.
Thoughts? Many thanks!
PokerStars - 15/30 Ante 4 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
Hero (UTG): 41.93 BB
UTG+1: 65.83 BB
MP: 47.7 BB
MP+1: 54.83 BB
MP+2: 48.37 BB
CO: 49.4 BB
BTN: 46.87 BB
SB: 48.37 BB
BB: 46.7 BB
9 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.7 BB) Hero has A♣ Q♣
Hero raises to 3 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, BB calls 2 BB
Flop: (7.7 BB, 2 players) 4♠ Q♠ 4♥
BB checks, Hero bets 5.4 BB, BB raises to 11.5 BB, Hero calls 6.1 BB
Turn: (30.7 BB, 2 players) 8♠
BB bets 32.07 BB and is all-in
, Hero calls 27.3 BB and is all-in
River: (85.3 BB, 2 players) 3♥
BB shows 5♠ A♦ (One Pair, Fours)
(Pre 27%, Flop 7%, Turn 20%)
Hero shows A♣ Q♣ (Two Pair, Queens and Fours)
(Pre 73%, Flop 93%, Turn 80%)
Hero wins 85.3 BB
5 Replies
BB have more btm pair, suited connector in range when he call defend 3bb open.
In flop, you raised 70% pot to isolated his hands. That isnt a good call if you dont have nut. You just raise a isolate pot only when you have nut or air hands. So you can easy fold if enemy re raise and beat them when he re raise. In this situation, he re-raised you 11.5bb, you were in tough spot which you shouldn't be if you just have small bet before
In turn, he betted all in. If you had 55, 66, 77, 88 or AQs, nothing different. You can beat bluff only, no value hand you can bluff. 45s, 34s, flush,...
Conclude, you should have another small bet size in flop, 33% or 50% is better and fold more in that turn spot
That's my opinion only, please counter-argument
Best not to post results as it may skew the responses
I agree with smaller flop sizing on this board texture once V check raises large flop bet their range is pretty polarised to hands that crush us /semi bluffs and air. many low stakes Vs have no air here and plenty are calling pre with all sorts of 4x hands. On population tendencies I wouldn't call the turn - there are less flushes with this sizing but we are seeing flushes and plenty of 4s - would need a read to make this call.
Your sizings are too big, both preflop, and on the flop. As an exploit, going big to target Qx for stacks is ok, but we can get that money in easily across 3 streets.
As played, I'd just jam the flop. We stack ourselves versus 4x, but that is ok since he has a lot of other stuff in his range, (weaker Qx, pairs, flush draws, and double back doors). We could draw to a blank turn, but then we are in bluff catching mode when a spade does peel.
Preflop and flop are too large. In theory at these sizes the flop check-raise is awful for you, since your 3/4 pot bet makes it so that villain's value check-raising range should basically be AQ+.
You don't need to open more than 2.5x and at these depths and position I probably go for 2.2x.
Flop bet can be relatively small here since there's only one overcard for you to worry about and flush draws are a small part of his range. In theory you should be betting small on this flop with a large part of your range and checking the rest. AQ is pretty much always a bet.
I guess villain's flop check-raise is because in theory he blocks some A4s combos for you (he doesn't even block 54s since he has 5s), but I still don't like it vs. the large flop sizing. The turn shove really doesn't make sense since the 5s is a very low spade to hope to hit. Once you bet that big on flop and call the check-raise, you obviously have a good hand, so I'd just shut it down if I check-raised with a holding like this. (I think you're supposed to build your bluffs around some of your flush draws, some Broadway hands that have a backdoor straight and also block your Qx and some of your possible continues-- hands like KJ/KT with a spade and/or heart-- and occasionally some hands like 6h5h, 5h3h, for the double backdoors.)
Well you obviously lose to 4x/spades, but we're hoping he's over playing Qx. I'd probably just call it off as we're getting 2 to 1 given this is low stakes.