[LOW] Bounty tournament ITM 19bb deep. Shove here with in spite of a likely call from big stack
Hi there. Another guy recently back at the tables after almost 10 years with nothing more than 1-2 session online per year in the meantime. Never was a reg because of full time job and family, made some modest profits mostly on SNG:s before tougher games and an extended downswing made me loose most of my motivation. Now back - still just on part time - with a renewed interest for learning MTT:s better. Only playing low-stakes up to $22. Plays on PS.
On one of the things that wasn't there back in the Stone age are those bounty building tournaments. They seem to call for a more loose strategy in general, but as I've understand it so far there are in fact situations when the shorter stack need to have both tighter shoving and calling ranges against bigger stacks. Could this hand be an example of that?
Bounty building tournament $7,50. Half of the prize pool goes to the bounties. Knocking out a player and you win 50% of his bounty and add the rest to your own. Around 300 players left from a total of about 3700 so nowhere near bigger pay jumps yet. Hero currently is around 200th place
UTG: Allin with his 3bb
1 fold
HiJAck: Biggest stack (+150bb) call. Just recently build his monster stack. Has been playing more hands than avg.
CO: HERO (19bb) with 77
The 3 remaining stacks cover me (26-45bb)
I feel quite confident this is a shove in a regular tournament (albeit on the margin). The 3 remaining players behind will likely only call with monsterhand. We might have some FE against big stack and his flat call to UTG signals he doesn't have a monster (If he's inducing a 3-bet behind with AA/KK, so be it). But here we have the bountys on UTG and me. They are worth around 2bb in total, so knocking us out will win him 1bb. On the other hand I will profit around 0,75 BI if I win the hand and knock out UTG
1) Shall I shove or not? If I fold I will preserve some decent FE 1-2 orbits more. I put big stack on a range consisting of mostly two overcards to my 77 and I expect that he will call with almost or all of his range.
2) All-in ranges for the 3 players behind except for the no brainers AA/KK?
3) Given that the they fold, shall big stack call me with all of his range?
I shoved. The 3 players behind all folded. Big stack called with JTs and hit a jack on the turn, knocking out both Hero and UTG
2 Replies
Easy, easy shove. Not sure why you worry the presence of the bounty makes this shove bad as you can make money from the short stack and the big stack is incentivized to call you with a worse hand. You will almost never be dominated by the big stack, who would isolate with 88+, and he might even call you with worse stuff like A5s. You got into a +EV spot and lost, nothing you can do.
Pretty much correct above.
Ill add that the fact that you can win a bounty in this hand is extra reason to shove, too (although the size of the bounty matters here).