Weird multiway hand late in large field $11
One of the Boski Daily Doubles on ACR. Over 1k runners, 19 left.
I usually know what to do when people act as expected. When people do something like "donk out pot for more than half their stack multiway," it's not as easy.
Button caller has been playing a ton of hands, but usually more aggressively preflop.
Maybe this is easier than it looks, but I'm trying to think about both BB's range and what button might have.
Yatahay Network - 25000/50000 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 6 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: 57.45 BB
SB: 45.56 BB
BB: 16.19 BB
UTG: 6.62 BB
Hero (MP): 19.04 BB
CO: 8.25 BB
6 players post ante of 0.12 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.22 BB) Hero has T♠ A♣
fold, Hero raises to 2 BB, fold, BTN calls 2 BB, fold, BB calls 1 BB
Flop: (7.22 BB, 3 players) 8♥ Q♠ A♠
BB bets 7.22 BB, Hero?
10 Replies
BB is obviously getting it in on the turn. So I don't think its a semi-bluff. I guess its A8/Q8/88/AJ or possibly even AQ (but I think BB jams with AQ preflop). Mostly though I think BB is trying to get draws to fold. Would BB do this with Ax where x
I think BTN's hand is not particularly relevant here. With AK/AQ they would 3-bet preflop. We block AJ somewhat but if they have that hand we go down with the ship anyway. We also block some flush draws. Could have 88 but then could also have any PP < JJ.
I likely fold in this spot and then get very upset when BTN wins with A9s vs 87s flush draw...
If 9-18 pay relatively the same, I probably fold. I think holding the ten of spades is good because it eliminates j10 spades, the best "drawing but air" hand with this flop. But the donk bet leaves you with no fold equity, both players may even call a shove depending on holdings. BB never folding no matter the action.
You do have significantly shorter stacks at your table and probably across other tables as well. I think I write off the pot because of kicker and bigger stack yet to act.
This is the spot where I fold and I was ahead and their massive draws miss but when I call, I hit my kicker and it completes the Broadway draw for kj spades.
Tough one, the Ts eliminates the combo draw type hands that are just bet/committing like 9Ts JTs so he's probably more value heavy, however, I'm not entirely sold that a rando in an $11 doesn't have weaker A here like A9 A7h, A6h, A5h (at very least if not more) and I'm inclined to remove 88/AQ/AJ/AK from his range since those are easy jams for even a rec player in the Boski off of his 16bb stack. Which leaves the value beating us as Q8 (some $11 players might not even defend that off this stack) and A8. Granted, I get the vibe they show up with A8 more than anything else here, I think I still stack off against this assumed range and hope he's out of line with a weaker A or just has a draw like J9ss K9ss. Also, agree with Rick on button's range, 88 and AJ only hands beating us I'm worried they have here and I think AJ would maybe even fold to a pot bet from bb/jam from us. Brutal spot, what'd you go for ?
Well, if that's that, here are the results.
I reasoned that I had top pair with a strong kicker and a low SPR with what has become a pretty big pot. Most of the hands BB has that would crush me should have shoved pre; certainly AJ+ and 88+ would. I'm really only worried about Q8 or A8. The button is a concern but he's playing a lot of hands so I can't be overly worried about his range. With all that in mind I just shoved.
Then the button reshoved. He had QQ. I turned the 9s to pick up 11 clean outs, but no dice.
This was the second time in two weeks I'd made a run this deep then lost my stack, so it had me wondering if I'm making mistakes late and getting my money in spots where I shouldn't.
I guess you hadn't seen BTN play so passively... Personally I think it is really bad and BTN got lucky.
Did BB call or fold? If BB called I am curious as to what they bet half their stack with.
If I don’t fold there, my second option would be shove too.
That is a weird move but you have to give some consideration to the "weird stuff happens when people play online" factor. Maybe he's multi-tabling or was otherwise distracted and pot-donked, forgetting his stack size. Or maybe it was a misclick.
It doesn't apply to this hand since apparently the BB took a stab with nothing, but FWIW I feel like all the spewy stuff happens early to mid stages in the Boski and once we are ITM people play very tight and nearly always have it.