Pot Problems

Pot Problems

Wondering if anyone has the same issues and can offer any solutions:

When I play live, it is very common that after the breaks one or more players near me comes back with very strong marijuana smell. I am quite sensitive to it, and can get light headed. I feel it negatively effects my game. Pot is usually legal in these jurisdictions. Does anyone have any suggests here?

15 July 2024 at 04:33 PM

5 Replies

by Bubblebust k

Wondering if anyone has the same issues and can offer any solutions:

When I play live, it is very common that after the breaks one or more players near me comes back with very strong marijuana smell. I am quite sensitive to it, and can get light headed. I feel it negatively effects my game. Pot is usually legal in these jurisdictions. Does anyone have any suggests here?

Don’t play live poker.

I hate the smell of cigarettes, BO, bad breath etc. Being in close proximity to gamblers has its drawbacks.

Fwiw I smoke pot on breaks and don’t care because it’s legal. Sorry you don’t like it. You don’t have to be there. You can stay home.

Thanks Ralph. I don't begrudge you or anyone else smoking pot on the breaks (or any other time). I am hoping for suggestions on things I can do it minimize the effect on me, if I want to continue playing live (which I do).

Wear a mask.

Sorry but you don’t have many options here. Changing seats/tables isn’t possible in tourneys.

This thread should probably be moved though since this is a strategy sub-forum.

I haven't experienced this but I would guess caffein would be a good solution.

Otherwise you just have to deal with it. Know how it affects you and adjust your play accordingly. If it makes you more passive figure out how to be more aggressive. If it affects your ability to analyze things then you have to be more passive I would guess.

I haven't experienced this but I would guess caffein would be a good solution.

Otherwise you just have to deal with it. Know how it affects you and adjust your play accordingly. If it makes you more passive figure out how to be more aggressive. If it affects your ability to analyze things then you have to be more passive I would guess.
