Power Path $1.50 tournament.

Power Path $1.50 tournament.

PokerStars - 600/1200 Ante 120 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

UTG+1: 19.31 BB
MP: 41.75 BB
MP+1: 26.51 BB
CO: 27.72 BB
BTN: 19.88 BB
SB: 3.22 BB
Hero (BB): 15.47 BB
UTG: 14.21 BB

8 players post ante of 0.1 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 2.3 BB) Hero has T 8

fold, fold, MP raises to 2 BB, MP+1 calls 2 BB, fold, BTN calls 2 BB, fold, Hero calls 1 BB

Flop: (9.3 BB, 4 players) 4 8 5
Hero checks, MP bets 4 BB, fold, fold, Hero raises to 8 BB, MP raises to 39.65 BB and is all-in, Hero calls 5.37 BB and is all-in

Turn: (36.03 BB, 2 players) J

River: (36.03 BB, 2 players) Q

Hero shows T 8 (One Pair, Eights)
(Pre 38%, Flop 3%, Turn 0%)
MP shows A Q (Flush, Ace High)
(Pre 62%, Flop 97%, Turn 100%)
MP wins 36.03 BB

My thought

Preflop: I'm getting good odds to call with a suited one gapper.

Flop: I flop top pair but I don't love the cbet is there any way I can get away from this? I mean he could have had a heart draw.

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17 November 2024 at 11:16 PM

3 Replies

Well, you could not check-minraise a highly coordinated monotone flop with top pair no kicker no redraw.

Why did you do that?

by nath k

Well, you could not check-minraise a highly coordinated monotone flop with top pair no kicker no redraw.

Why did you do that?

My bad should I just shove there?

How should I play this post flop?

You answer my question first because I'd like to know what your thought process is behind your decisions, and that will help you a lot more than just telling you what to do will.
