Any thoughts about my small database?
first of all I know that I have only 14k hands and that's tiny sample size for DB analysis, but could anyone just look at my stats and tell me if they are at least okay-ish or in which spots I could improve? I'm not a high volume player as I have a lot of other responsibilities outside poker, so it's really hard to me to get like 100k hands in a year.
I started playing online poker mtts 3 years ago, for the first 2 years I had no clue what I was doing. I was busting a lot, not by playing loose, but rather too tight and passive, shoving/reshoving with wrong hands etc.
In the last year I started learning preflop ranges from GTOWizard, bought GTO+ and ran my sims in various spots, I'm trying to train with solver everyday for at least an hour or two, review my sessions, drill spots etc. I have also been watching various coaching videos from GTOW/BBZ and similar sites.
I really feel like I improved in a lot of areas, however my BB/100 still sucks. I'm playing stakes from $2 to $15 online, from smaller fields to huge massive fields.
In that year I had few FTs and 1 win (unfortunately that win wasn't able to cover my losses as the prize pool was pretty small). Right now I have 20% ITM and -8% ROI after 257 mtts.
I either late reg in around 30-40bb starting stack (as it was easier for me to grasp strategy for smaller stack play, I still have no idea how to play deep stack poker) or max late reg (for quick double up or bust as I memorized those very short stack charts pretty quickly).
Ratio for this would be like 70% of the time late reging around 30bb starting stack and 30% max late reging.
So yeah, any thoughts about my stats? I will be very grateful for any tips.
Thank you in advance!
3 Replies
looks very average and undifferentiated
you likely neither win nor lose much EV and have an expected roi approximately -Rake%
It's hard to tell that much from those basic stats - you'd have to dig deeper into more specific scenarios to find leaks.
For example, one thing that stands out is potentially overfolding to cbets and not raising enough, but you'd have to look into your reaction vs different sizes to be sure.
I have been told that most women don’t care if you have a small database. I mean, I haven’t been told that personally, but just generally.