$11 PKO deep stack: ATs to a short stack all in
An early position player goes all in for 2BBs. I have an early position stack with T♥ A♥ and 80BBs. What is the best play at this point?
PokerStars - 60/120 Ante 15 NL - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BB: 80.42 BB
UTG: 77.53 BB
UTG+1: 2.23 BB
MP: 76.38 BB
Hero (MP+1): 83.14 BB
MP+2: 83.23 BB
CO: 90.98 BB
BTN: 173.47 BB
SB: 82 BB
9 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 2.62 BB) Hero has T♥ A♥
fold, UTG+1 raises to 2.11 BB and is all-in,
Action is to me. What is the best play?
fold, Hero raises to 83.02 BB and is all-in, fold, fold, BTN calls 83.02 BB, fold, fold
Flop: (170.77 BB, 3 players) J♣ 6♣ 5♦
Turn: (170.77 BB, 3 players) 7♦
River: (170.77 BB, 3 players) A♠
Hero shows T♥ A♥ (One Pair, Aces)
Main Pot [8.95 BB]: (Pre 21%, Flop 2%, Turn 0%)
Side Pot#1 [161.82 BB]: (Pre 26%, Flop 2%, Turn 0%)
BTN shows J♠ J♥ (Three of a Kind, Jacks)
Main Pot [8.95 BB]: (Pre 69%, Flop 93%, Turn 90%)
Side Pot#1 [161.82 BB]: (Pre 74%, Flop 98%, Turn 100%)
UTG+1 shows A♦ 9♣ (One Pair, Aces)
Main Pot [8.95 BB]: (Pre 10%, Flop 6%, Turn 10%)
BTN wins 170.77 BB
My thoughts after the fact:
So to give some of my thoughts, I was a bit tilted at this point and just did a reckless all in. Another thing that is different about this PKO is that the starting stack is 10k in chips, compared to the 3k or 5k that I'm normally playing with. I didn't make that shift in thinking there. People may be doing the isolation 3bet all in there, but they are doing it with stacks of say 30BBs, and not 80.
I think the right play would have been an iso raise of 8BBs? Even then someone could just shove over the top of me.
I could call the 2BB all in and then wait to see what the rest of the table does? Once again, they could just consider it dead money and push me off.
I can see this is a blunder in that I risked too much to win a $5 bounty, with too many players left to act.
I'm wondering if there is anything else I need to think of or pay attention to in this situation besides 1) five players left to act and 2) having a deep stack? Or are those two factors essentially the only things I need to think about? Should I have been thinking about the future bounties to be won by forgoing the chance to target this one?
I have seen that the early isolation shove does work, but maybe that is more appropriate when stack sizes are shorter and it is later in the tournament where bounties are bigger. Where I'm risking less BBs, and the reward of the bounty is larger.
I am open to hearing any and all reasons why this play is bad. I just want to be able to pay attention to any details that I may have been missing when I maybe quickly and impulsively made this isolation all in jam.
Also I noticed that many stacks in bounty tournaments really get down to short stacks of like 8-10BBs before people are putting their chips all in. Is there any reason why stacks are shorter in PKO tournaments compared to regular MTT tournaments without bounties?
1 Reply
Maybe this is ok if UTG +1 has a really big bounty -- but $5 it's not close.
Otherwise, I probably either flat (if at an active and aggressive table), or raise to about 7 bbs (if at a passive table). Otherwise, you said you were on tilt and it happens to us all, plus you weren't used to paying this deep. So you get that it's generally a big mistake to pile in 83 BBs over a 2 BB open with lots of covering stacks behind you.
But I think you covered well your mistake here.