$7.50 MTT: UTG with 88

$7.50 MTT: UTG with 88

What is the best way to play pocket 8s UTG, with a 17bb stack? No bounties in play for this game.

Is this a fold UTG? A min raise? A limp and the possibly rejam to a raiser? An all in?

I'm a little lost with this one. It doesn't seem like there is an obvious play here, but maybe there is and I don't see it yet. Please feel free to comment. Thanks.

I'll show how the hand played out below. Maybe what confused me about this hand was that the villain's play in UTG+1 seemed to make no sense to me from that position. Those sessions where you are beaten by some horrible plays that don't make sense just leave with you a bit of a sour taste. Anyway, here is how it played out.

PokerStars - 1500/3000 Ante 375 NL (8 max) - Holdem - 8 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4

BB: 11.22 BB
Hero (UTG): 16.8 BB
UTG+1: 55.92 BB
MP: 23.53 BB
MP+1: 43.27 BB
CO: 11.73 BB
BTN: 76.96 BB
SB: 8.38 BB

8 players post ante of 0.13 BB, SB posts SB 0.5 BB, BB posts BB 1 BB

Pre Flop: (pot: 2.5 BB) Hero has 8 8


Hero raises to 2 BB, UTG+1 raises to 5 BB, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, fold, Hero raises to 16.68 BB and is all-in, UTG+1 calls 11.68 BB

Flop: (35.86 BB, 2 players) 6 2 3

Turn: (35.86 BB, 2 players) 9

River: (35.86 BB, 2 players) 2

Hero shows 8 8 (Two Pair, Eights and Twos)
(Pre 51%, Flop 72%, Turn 68%)
UTG+1 shows T Q (Flush, Queen High)
(Pre 49%, Flop 28%, Turn 32%)
UTG+1 wins 35.86 BB

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13 January 2025 at 10:57 AM

2 Replies

So from what I've researched, it looks like I should have shoved this hand. It makes sense. Getting called by players in position wouldn't be good for me. I'm rusty and have been away from playing for awhile, so ya this is a bit of a refresher and reminder.

I think min open is best. If you shove you’re probably only getting called by TT+ & AQ+ (maybe shorty big blind calls a bit wider). Min open can induce a 3 bet or jam from worse hands. Obviously getting flatted in position sucks with this hand but it’s ok to lose 2 bb on a lot of boards.
