$300 live, villain shoves river.
5-6 level of a $300 weekly tournament. Starting stack is 30, i have 70k, bb has 40k.
Blinds 1k/500/1k. We just lost the small blind in prior hand and added bb player. Bantering with sb (previous bb when I was button) that I had raised his bb every hand so far. I said that since he was now in my sb, I would cut him a break and only call the button when it was folded around to me. Sb is a definite OMC, as is the new bb.
Flop is 3, ks,3. Bb bets 1k, I call sb folds. Turn is As, bb bets 2k I call. River is the 10s. Bb bets 2k, I raise to 7k, bb insta shoves his remaining 35k
With a possible royal, Broadway straight, flush and paired board in an unraised pot preflop, what is the minun hand you call with? What is the minimum hand you would raise river with?
5 Replies
I think I would raise the river with a flush as my minimum hand (because Villain can have any 3x hand which would likely call). I think I would call the river jam with a boat as minimum hand.
But I have to say I never ever limp first in OTB. So I am not going to have hands like K3o or T3s or A3o which in theory you could have here. I'm thinking I would call with K3 but not T3.
I would be tempted to call with a Q high flush but in practice because we limped, BB can have T3/K3 a lot more than if we had raised pre-flop...
The minimum hand the call the re-raise (IMO) here would be A3 or K3, esp against an OMC (if you had a different description of the player, maybe I would consider something lighter). You have to think the player would just call with a flush and not re-raise. AA and KK are raising preflop.
Don't think OMC takes this line and bets this flop and turn with 77. If this player would shove the over you raise with a naked 3, then he is not an OMC.
I think raising a flush for sure but folding to a jam.
Thanks for responses. I raised the river with 54 spades and folded to his instajam after not being able to get him to say anything/look up/get any read from him. Given the preflop limping mistake, I put him on an 10 3, a 3, k 3 and he got excited when I raised river. Room gives a satellite seat for high hands (quads to better) so his failure to show ruled out 33 or the royal.
I pointed out the player to a regular in room today and he said the guy was so tight he squeaks.
Just folding 5 high on the flop when OMC donkleads into two players. SB can c/r and there are very few turns we actually like though we got one of the two best haha. Rest of it seems fine/good.