Preflop ranges adjustments for Live Tournaments
I would like recommendations on how to adjust GTO preflop ranges for live tournaments, especially for low stakes. I have noticed that live poker players don't play GTO; they are more recreational. When they are three-betting you, they represent the hands that they have.
3 Replies
Play hands that play well multi way. Like in the early levels hands like suited aces that can make flush over flush go up in value. Hands like AQo go down in value.
Generally over fold vs 3-bets if they're not 3-betting enough and only continue with strong hands or implied odds hands like pairs that are getting the right odds to set mine.
Caveat to that is to watch out for maniacs. Most players will not 3-bet enough but you'll run into players that 3-bet all kinds of junk. You'll need to be willing to expand your range and get it in wider against these types.
^^^ this. And...You definitely want to widen your pf calling range when you know you'll be in position.
In mwp... check a lot for information and bet for value.
Low stakes have a lot of players who limp preflop so being in position against them with a wide range is usually great especially OTB. Raising wide in these spots can buy you the BTN and in general the limpers fold not much of the time.
In low stakes games it is also good to try stealing blinds from HJ/CO/BTN because there are very few 3-bets and when there are its an easy fold situation. Also, 3-bet sizing can be off and may make it worth calling. The higher the stakes the more likely it is that there will be aggro players on the BTN/SB/BB who will 3-bet and 3-bet squeeze. In those situations I tend to steal a lot less.
Once you see how aggro players are (especially young players) it means you can widen your 3-bet range against them. Against women and older men I tend to 3-bet much less unless they have shown to be wide (which is rare).
Also if players to my left tend to call raises and not 3-bet I tend to raise wider preflop in EP and MP.