3 bet pot vs an unknown player (might be fishy)

3 bet pot vs an unknown player (might be fishy)

I don't have any notes on the villain. They have a small amount of tournament winnings (GG Poker). Just wanted to check and see make sure that I am not missing anything.

We are 5 handed. This tournament is a feeder tournament. All stacks get combined for Day 2. So you can play multiple Day 1s. People sometimes go a bit nuts on Day 1. Especially being short handed.

We are 110BB deep
Villain 85BB Deep

Preflop: Hero has Ac 4c OTB
1 fold, Villain raises to 3BB, Hero 3 bets to 8.5BB (I usually mix up the raise size here), blinds fold, villain calls

Flop: 9s 4d 2d (pot 19BB)
Villain leads 19BB, hero?

I feel like all options suck in this spot. I really can't raise unless it's to get it in. I can't just call the flop because the SPR will be 1.3 on the turn and then I have to be ready to stick it in on almost any turn. Easy fold?

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08 March 2025 at 05:58 PM

5 Replies

What position is villian in?

We are 5 handed and villain CO

What the eff is he doing here?

Donk leading pot looks pretty crazy on this board which makes analysis tough. I used to take the view that when I didn’t understand why a bet was being made I would fold. So can we try to understand the bet.
Well, we’re nowhere near anything from a solver and left to guess at population tendencies. Maybe a bit of info will help…

What’s the buyin?
How many more of these games can we play to accumulate a stack?
Do we know if villain already has a stack?
Do we already have a stack? Does he know that?

(i avoid this format btw, it favours the time and money wealthy far too much)

Buy-in is $210,
We can fire a lot of these bullets. Don't know how many villain is playing.
We do not have a stack yet. Neither does villain.

The reason that I like these formats is that people sometimes go nuts during day 1 in the hope to build a stack for day 2. When I say go "nuts" I mean that they are willing to get it in a bit bad to gamble to build a stack.

I still can’t picture his range for this move. I doubt it’s solver approved whatever his holding.

I guess if you’re looking to gamble you could just GII but in truth we don’t have many strong hands in our range (over pairs obv, and we can have 99)
Calling must be ok sometimes although what turn/river makes us feel better?
I think folding is probably more appropriate. We have middle pair and no diamonds, no back door opportunities.
