Big Brother Canada Season 7

Big Brother Canada Season 7


I’m ridiculously excited to follow this season. We have a former POGer/2p2er in the cast this year! Haven’t watched BB since the Canadian season 7, are there still as many BB fans in OOTV as there used to be?

Cast Breakdown


Pre-game Equity: 3%

This guy isn’t going to play a particularly strategic game, but who he ends up aligning with is going to shift equity a lot. He’ll most likely try too hard, win a couple early comps, be dragged into the mid game, and need to win out to survive.


Pre-game Equity: 5%

Poor liar, while being really loud and belligerent. If the cast makeup is lucky for her she might fall into a power position that she can’t misplay, but odds are she pisses people off and is out by week 4.


Pre-game Equity: 18%

OK I’m biased here. This is my best friend, we’ve known each other since kindergarten. I flew from NY to his place in late 2012 to grind out supernova in Canada, and convinced him to go to the season 1 auditions. I was super hungover that morning, so he went alone, and 6 years later he’s on the show!

I’ve spent the time between training him in Big Brother strategy, so in a sense this season will be a test of POG vs the real world. There’s probably at least a 50% chance he is downright awful at the game, but if he does well I expect it to be masterful.


Pre-game Equity: <1%

Seems like they cast this person explicitly to bring early drama.


Pre-game Equity: 13%

If BB is as ‘rigged’ as it used to be they will be getting a big leg up for being non-binary, this is going to be massive publicity among a group that probably doesn’t watch the show. Beyond that, expect a reasonable game, maybe a floater, maybe a decent strategy game. If they do have the combination of likeable, strategic, and good story they’re going to be a big target in the endgame.


Pre-game Equity: 5%

Could be a strong player, with a competitive background, doesn’t seem like a threat, and reasonably stable. Doesn’t seem likely to turn up the gears to fight through the mid game unless he’s picked up as a tag along in the major alliance.


Pre-game Equity: 3%

Super hot floater


Pre-game Equity: 4%

If he wins he plans on putting all the money in BTC! Can’t be a good indicator of intelligence but I’ll root for him to have at least bring some strategy. Seems like he’ll be too tough to trust to make it through.


Pre-game Equity: <1%

Ugh, seems like his defining characteristic is missing teeth. Plans to win all the early comps and then start throwing the late ones...


Pre-game Equity: 15%

Kind of like how she lines up in this cast, yet to see if she has a grasp of the path to victory.


Pre-game Equity: 2%

Standard model type


Pre-game Equity: 1%

I’d root for him if she turned out to be a mastermind, but my money is on floater


Pre-game Equity: 10%

I wouldn’t be surprised if she and Mark knew each other irl. Would be cool to see an easy alliance develop here which would be a big equity boost to both. Seems like she could get dragged to the end as a Russell type, but should be good for an HoH or 2.


Pre-game Equity: <1%

Only ever watched one season of the show. Lamb to the slaughter.

This probably doesn’t add up to 100 so normalize at home, please and thank you.

Let’s Go!

28 February 2019 at 02:55 AM

2 Replies

Earlier posts are available on our legacy forum HERE

I just finished season 12.


LOLOLOLOL Anthony. I think he loses against either Lexus or Bayleigh. The difference is Lexus would have been a Spite winner. Anthony dug his grave with the deceit and lying.

However, I am impressed with how both Victoria and Anthony came to play.

RIP Big Brother Canada...

Watching the House get torn down on Reddit was painful. Sigh.
