I wanted to post something Survivor related but realized there's no general thread about Survivor. Each thread is about a particular season or votes for hottest, best, etc.

Given that who knows when/if the show will come back, here's a general thread to post all things Survivor.

I won't ruin the OP with my content post, so it will come next.

Enjoy and come on in guys!

) 3 Views 3
27 October 2020 at 07:51 PM

1012 Replies


by Soncy k

This really. Maybe Survivor is of questionable quality, but the quality of the posts in this forum 'discussing' Survivor has been unquestionably bad.

I resemble that remark!

There’s not much to say since Jeff ended racism and sexism

by Punker k

kind of says more about the state of twoplustwo these days tbh

Better than Facebook at least

by metsandfinsfan k

Better than Facebook at least

Better question is did her parents get the name from George Costanza?

Q is really shaping up to be one of the more annoying cast members to watch give a confessional in a while.

Genuinely have zero clue who is about to go home right now lol wtf

That was so stupid but made for such a fun tribal to lol at.

It's a bummer that this season has sucked so much that people have given up on it because last night's episode was a banger and it has me all the way back into this season.

Q saying "If I can't find you in Hide and Seek, I can't find you in this game" made me lol. Episode was just a masterclass of entertaining stupidity from him.

This season is getting wild now lol. Q was incredible TV this whole episode. I'm pretty sure him wanting everyone to vote for him was some sort of play as well.

by NotReddBoiler k

Q is really shaping up to be one of the more annoying cast members to watch give a confessional in a while.

I'd disagree. ITT we always complain - where are the entertaining characters, everyone's either a diversity hire or a boring gamebot. At least he's kind of trying in a delusional way and providing a Coach type character that's memorable and different.

That said, the erratic behaviour at tribal was just weird. It really came across as he thought he was the godfather, realized he wasn't and wanted to quit.

What was missing was someone saying "Q, if you really believe that, there's 9 people here who are dying to play the game. Pick up your torch and walk over to Jeff and say you're out like a man. Don't expect us to do your dirty work for you."

by Punker k

That said, the erratic behaviour at tribal was just weird. It really came across as he thought he was the godfather, realized he wasn't and wanted to quit.

He doesn't handle it well when the "plan" changes. After all, in football the coach calls the play and then you run it. Why should Survivor be any different?

Look what happens when you dont have stupid journeys, vote losses, mergatory, split tribals and tiny tribes

=By far the best episode of the season and one of the best in the past 6.

Let the players play proper Survivor and they will organically create the exciting chaos we saw tonight

by NotReddBoiler k

Q is really shaping up to be one of the more annoying cast members to watch give a confessional in a while.

No Qskirt for you!!

Manifesting a Liz, Venus Q final three

'Look I know i've spent all season bragging about how rich I am but'..... looks across to the other two...... 'reaaaaaaly like really?'

Liz wins 8,0,0

Q is literally the only reason to watch this season. This is what Survivor needs. Chaotic players. Good players are boring.

by Punker k

I'd disagree. ITT we always complain - where are the entertaining characters, everyone's either a diversity hire or a boring gamebot. At least he's kind of trying in a delusional way and providing a Coach type character that's memorable and different.

That said, the erratic behaviour at tribal was just weird. It really came across as he thought he was the godfather, realized he wasn't and wanted to quit.

What was missing was someone saying "Q, if you really believe that, there's 9 people here who

Yeah I live posted that as I was watching him give another confessional. By the end of the episode, I had already flipped my opinion. I hope Q stays all the way til the end. He's amazing TV.

Both Q and Venus are casting gem finds. In the era of endless interchangable nerdy superfan gamebots they have carried the season.

I've said for years 9/10 bad gameplay makes for better and more entertaining tv than good gameplay

I think Venus is purely going for the villain arc because she's hoping that she either gets dragged to FTC or at least gets invited back for a returnee season. But the others were right in that she's zero threat to win anything and they can vote her out anytime they want, so why waste a vote?

Q was Definitely makes for good TV with all the chaos, and was also interesting that nobody took him up on his offer to just vote him out. But evaluating people based on a hide and seek game is just weird. He's this generation's Phillip, and they definitely needed somebody like that to save this season. And now that Tiff knows she's been targeted, she needs to distance herself but it might be too late for that. Ben is just floating, same with Hunter.

Still saying Kenzie and Maria are my two front runners. Liz had a good episode, but I'd be so annoyed if she won because I can't stand her as a human.

tbh I think Hunter is trying to win by going on an immunity run and it's far from certain it won't work. He can show he was on the right side of the votes, he won all the immunities, so was it really necessary for him to make some kind of big move just for the sake of a big move? Also has the hallmarks of getting to F6, then everyone suddenly realizing they can't beat him, describing him as a massive threat, and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy when they can't get him.

Pretty foolish for hunter to show off at the end of the challenge. People already see him as a challenge threat. Why make it worse

3 African Americans in a row?

Pack your bags, Q

I don't even know who the favorite to win is at this point. I guess gun to head Id bet Kenzie or Maria? But I wouldn't feel good about it.

Q is unreal. Tribal antics a bit of a sore spot, but his confessional during the show were all A+
What a loony bin

He’s going to say that it was a ruse all along

by NotReddBoiler k

I don't even know who the favorite to win is at this point. I guess gun to head Id bet Kenzie or Maria? But I wouldn't feel good about it.

Kenzie or Charlie I think. Slim chance for Hunter if he goes on an immunity run.

I can't see any of the others winning.
