House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair

House of the Dragon: Targaryens Still Fighting Over The Most Metal Chair

you're probably not gonna believe this, but ~200 years before GoT there was a bunch of Targaryens battling over who shou

21 August 2022 at 08:14 PM

102 Replies


by 72off k

kind of re-stating what was already said, but seeing more confirmation that a month before filming started season 2 got cut from 10 episodes to 8, and they were already 3 months into the writer's strike, so yeah ... they literally just chopped off the last 2 eps. they couldn't do anything else with ~no writers, and didn't really have the time anyway. insane

i would expect so. lots of time to re-write now i guess, but i assume that s3e1/2 will essentially be s2e9/10

I read that S3 will be "total war"

Author George R.R. Martin in blog posts last week and this week continues to criticize creative choices made on the show. I will continue watching, but this next season needs to save this hot mess from itself.

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After the wait for the 2nd season on the whole pretty disappointing season.

If it is true that the number of episodes was cut from 10 to 8 just before starting to shoot it because of the writers' strike then the start of the next season should be the finale episodes that this season needed or else the show is going to suffer from an incredible amount of filler before the big dragon showdown.
