Survivor S47: Make your Survivor Survivor picks here

Survivor S47: Make your Survivor Survivor picks here

Survivor is back for yet another season! Survivor:S47 premieres with a 2-hour episode on Wednesday, September 18th at 8PM ET on CBS. This season we will be playing a game called Survivor Survivor, in which you attempt to make predictions on who will and won't get voted off on each week's episode.

The rules of the game:

Each week before the episode airs, you must post your pick in this thread for any 1 player that you think will NOT get voted off in the upcoming episode. A pick MUST be made each week by the time the episode airs each Wednesday, at 8PM EST, or you are eliminated. Also, in case of multiple tribal councils/episodes with multiple players going home during a week, your pick for the week must survive both episodes/tribals.

If the player you choose for the week makes it safely through the week, you continue in the game. If, however, the player you selected for that week is voted off, medically evacuated, etc. you are eliminated. Players may only be selected once. The last person eliminated, or the last person with eligible picks still remaining, is crowned the winner. In case of a tie for 1st, whoever's final pick ("Winner pick") finishes closer to 1st place will be the winner. If two or more players have the same final pick, we will use their 2nd to last pick as their "winner pick", etc. This will continue as necessary until there is a week where the players tied for 1st did not have the same pick.

Please post only your SS picks in this thread. For any other analysis or comments about the show, please post in the main Survivor thread. Changing picks IS allowed as long as you post them in this thread prior to the Wednesday night at 8PM ET deadline.

Spoilers of any kind will of course NOT be tolerated, and anyone who appears to be using them to try to increase their swag will immediately be put in check by being banned from the current season, as well as participating in future seasons.

Survivor Survivor History of Champions:

S25 champion: 425kid
S26 champion: TheGreenMile
S27 champions: billyh66, OppositeAttract, ponyboy, ReAnimator, SavageTilt, Stevens744
S28 champion: KansasCT
S29 champion: nit3.runn3r
S30 champion: uganation
S31 champion: ponyboy(2)
S32 champion: Jeremy517
S33 champion: hair loss at 19_
S34 champion: Skellig Michael
S35 champion: uganation(2)
S36 champion: VTChess
S37 champion: Bidz
S38 champion: PocketInfinities
S39 champion: accobra_kid
S40 champion: ponyboy(3)
S41 champion: Bidz
S42 champion: accobra_kid(2)
S43 champion: e1cnr
S44 champion: Bidz(2)
S45 champion: Bidz(3)
S46 champion: BringbckMichelleYi

Please note that the season begins 1 week from today. You will not officially be included in the game until you make your episode 1 pick. Since changing picks is allowed prior to episode 1 airing, feel free to go ahead and make your week 1 picks early so you don't forget to do it later.

Good luck!!

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11 September 2024 at 07:01 PM

288 Replies


Can I propose a twist to Survivor Survivor?

Once you're out of picks or your pick is voted out, the game flips and you now start picking who will be eliminated each week. As long as you're right, you're still in.

Punker has made the following proposal. I am open to adding some sort of twist like this if the majority of people want it, however it might need some sort of tweak. I don't love someone running out of picks at the very end of the game when the leaders have like 1 pick remaining, and still getting a second chance. I'd rather it be like a poker tournament where rebuys end at a certain time, well before the final stage of the tournament.

For example, we could only offer a second chance to people who were eliminated during the pre-merge portion of the game. Once the merge happens though, then anyone whose pick goes home or runs out of picks is just eliminated, with no second chance.

If we offered a second chance to players eliminated in the pre-merge portion of the game, perhaps they could continue to stay in the game as long as:

1) Pre-merge: they predict the correct tribe that goes to tribal council each episode
2) Post-merge: they predict the correct player who gets voted out each episode

Open to any suggestions/modifications to above, or also we can just scrap the idea completely and keep the basic SS format/rules


Don’t change the rules imo

My proposal would be everyone has 'one and only one idol' to use throughout the season which must be played before the week starts on their pick.

If their pick is voted out they are still in the game.

Could be a good way to keep a few more people alive for longer without being over powered, and of course you are mimicking actual Survivor as many people will go out with their idol in their pocket.


As for my twist - would be fine if it only lasted to the merge. Also kind of like BBMY's idea. Also no objection to just leaving it the same.





Would prefer it not be confusing with pre and post merge stuff, but I like the idea of an immunity idol that you can use once. It would help people get further in the game.

I think with the season about to start, we should keep the normal format for this season and if we want to make any changes for future seasons, we'll have more time to discuss it


by VTChess k

I think with the season about to start, we should keep the normal format for this season and if we want to make any changes for future seasons, we'll have more time to discuss it

good call
although the idol idea is intriguing for 48 and beyond

Terran “TK” Foster


Swinging big early as I think he will be the first boot from his tribe.

John Lovett

While we're on the subject, I vote no future change.

I like the pure simplicity of this format.


Jon Lovett

Week 1 Picks:

AussieJack: Rome
BringbckMichelleYi: Jon
e1cnr: Terran
Eewert: Aysha
JProbst: Rachel
King~of~Diamonds: Jon
Melkerson: Kishan
patron: Jon
ponyboy: Sue
Punker: Terran
VTChess: ?
wetleg: Aysha

In, I'll circle back with my pick before the season begins.

by BringbckMichelleYi k

My proposal would be everyone has 'one and only one idol' to use throughout the season which must be played before the week starts on their pick.

If their pick is voted out they are still in the game.

Could be a good way to keep a few more people alive for longer without being over powered, and of course you are mimicking actual Survivor as many people will go out with their idol in their pocket.

I don't understand exactly what you mean here. I don't want to start a long discussion since we've decided to leave as is for 47. But are you saying you submit a pick for the week who you think has a high chance of being eliminated, declare you're playing the idol before the episode begins, and then if that player is actually eliminated it helps you in SS since it gives you another picked player who has been eliminated, yet you're still in the game?




Change to Kishan


