***READ ME FIRST - Rules for OOTV ***

***READ ME FIRST - Rules for OOTV ***

Welcome to the OOTV (brought to you by your friendly mods in OOT) with that in mind here are the guidelines you must follow. Some are repeats from the OOT sticky not like any of you read that one (or will read this one) But I post them here so we have a reference and something to point to when we ban you...anyway

Guidelines: This forum is to be use for the discussion of TV Shows (Seasons, Mini Series ,made for TV movies)

Starting Threads: [Read the Formatting thread for more info]

Shows need to be recent/currently going on ( If Someone starts a "hey did you catch that very special Different Strokes episode we are just going to lock it)

That's not to say you can't start threads about Old shows just make sure you specify it (again Read formatting thread)

Certain largely viewed and complex shows warrant episode specific threads (like Lost). However smaller/less viewed "under appreciated shows" should be confined to one Seasonal or General Discussion thread

What this Forum is NOT to be used for:

1) Posting your "Top 5 Favorite Grey's Anatomy Actors", "Hey Look whats on Bravo tonight" etc, "The Best moments on One Life to Live"

2) Any type of TV Show thread that's Not episode/seasonal etc needs to be put in OOT.

The Rules:

Being this is the TV forum punishment will be stricter and swifter for violating these

1) DO NOT POST ABOUT ILLEGALLY OBTAINING A SHOW - Torrents, FTP sites, Web Downloads, USEnets etc .this also means websites that are NOT from the studio/company/affiliate that produces it [IE if you want to Link Hero's from the NBC website that's cool but www.watchherosnow.com isn't kosher]

2) Do not Post a spoiler with out a Spoiler tag.*(Read spoilers section below) or post it in a "Spoilers" thread*(read formatting sticky)

3) Stick to talking about the show in the thread, IE Don't derail threads with flame war's etc.

4) No Sports, Politics or Poker shows (They belong in there own already designated forums )

5) No cross-posting to other forums.

Spoilers: [What they are what they aren't and when you are just being a douche waffle]

1) All Episodes are considered to be "Aired" EST on there scheduled date (not before and not after). Thus anything that has aired is now free reign and NOT consider a spoiler.

2) Previews of next week episode are NOT spoilers (let me repeat that ARE NOT SPOILERS!!!) However consider your self that giant douche waffle I mentioned if you post it with out using spoiler tags.

So if you have advanced knowledge of a show, a situation, and up coming actor please use a spoiler tag. Don't ruin the show for everyone else.

Punishment - for Not using spoiler tags or tarding up TV threads are as follows.

Points - warning,25,50 - Banhammer

Also along with this the following Verbal may be imposed:

Being banned from the thread(s) until the next episode airs
Being banned from the thread(s) until the season ends

Not following/respecting the verbal warning will mean we just make it a real ( AKA ban you from 2p2 not just OOT or OOTV)

Also and this is pretty important...

This IS a Sub Forum of OOT thus all rules off OOT still apply here we are the same mods that lock your crappy threads and ban you on a whim for posting over used meme's when we feel like it.

This forum is evolving and the rules will be changing as we see fit.

Also if you don't like how we are running the forum, please feel free to cry like the baby you are in ATF.

01 October 2009 at 01:27 PM