***Suggestions for Show Post Formatting***
Hi Guys
here is some easy formatting suggestion to make the forum a bit more Stream line.
A note first I ask you all to use your best judgment, you know the shows you watch and how popular they really are.
General Rules:
1) Large popular shows with a vast audience should have a thread dedicated per episode.
2) Smaller shows should have a thread dedicated to the season
3) If you wish to discuss spoilers make a separate spoilers thread.
4) Use the full name of the show in the title for your thread
5) Only one thread may be start per EP or season. Please search before you make a new thread
Specific Formatting:
For Episodes:
Name of Show : SXX [Season] : EPxx [episode] : name
(example Lost : S01 : EP04 :Walkabout )
For Season:
Name of Show : Season XX
(example Sons of Anarchy : Season 02)
For Spoiler Threads: (should only be seasonal):
SPOILERS - Name of Show : Season XX - SPOILERS
(example SPOILERS - How I meet your mother : Season 05 - SPOILERS
Series Discussion Guides:
Name of Show - Series Discussion Guide [Guides and discussion threads are to be separate from seasonal and episode (but we also understand some smaller shows might include everything with in one )]
(example One Tree Hill - Series Discussion Guide)
For those shows that we do by episode an End of the Season Thread may be warranted. Please use the following
End of the Season thread
Name of Show : Season XX : Wrap-Up
(Example Lost : Season 07 : Wrap Up)
Old TV shows and Old Seasons:
You guys are welcome to discuss these as well put place the words "On DVD" and/or "Retro Show" Before it and do it by show if its a smaller show and season if more recent/popular
On DVD - Sons Of Anarchy : S01
On DVD - Retro Show - M*A*S*H : S01-S12 Inclusive
Retro Show - Charles in Charge - Discussion Guide