Game of Thrones Bookreader Thread: ***TV SPOILERS ITT***
This thread is for the bookreaders. Enjoy, and I sincerely mean that.
Please do not post in the TV thread.
seems likely that winds will be released in the next couple years. also possible that he has made progress on dream over this lengthy delay, because if you think about it, he probably wouldn't write dream without also mapping out the end of the story. so if that's true, a lot of the work on dream is already done, so he just has to sit down and write it. that's the hopium side of the story.
but probably more realistic that he'll never finish, yeah. also because i've seen many suggest that it'll take more than 2 books to wrap up the story.
ok so i guess grrm went to a couple cons recently and apologized for not finishing asoiaf, whined about being too busy, seemed depressed, etc ..... yeah dream is never getting finished. and the way he's talking winds seems further away than i thought, but i could have sworn he said it was like 90% done a year or three ago, idk...
I personally would way rather he wrote a bunch more dunk n egg books than finish ASOIAF but I know I'm majorly in the minority with that opinion.
dunk and egg are great! asoif was a struggle to read book 4(iirc) and then book 5 picked up again. but if it's a struggle to write, then it's probably gonna be a struggle to read
I stumbled across an interesting You Tube channel by a therapist who makes videos analyzing fictional characters. He's done quite a few ASOIAF videos.
If you've got 45-60 minutes to kill, they're a good watch.
Random thought
Does anyone wish the true story was Varys vs Littlefinger?
Their scenes together s1-3 were among the best.
Story could have ended up with the same result but I wish those 2 were the ones pulling on the strings that mattered.