Looking for few online horse's for soft clubs and more Cash or Mtts

Looking for few online horse's for soft clubs and more Cash or Mtts

Hey me and a good friend who are long time experienced professional players have a small stable and are looking to add a few players.

We are looking to back players anywhere from micros to mid/high stakes depending on skill, experience and results in similar games in the past.

We offer coaching in both mtt and cash aswell we will be doing some group hand history reviews. If you are lower stakes player we would be happy to coach you up to higher stakes with time.

If your interested in getting to know more send me a pm with past results what stakes you are looking to play and we can discuss more.

) 9 Views 9
19 July 2024 at 01:56 AM

27 Replies


Steven Marin – Professional Poker Player
Email: [stevenmarin553@gmail.com] | Phone:[267,694,2744] | Location: [Philadelphia,PA]
Hendon Mob Profile: [Steven Marin: Hendon Mob Poker Database]

About Me

I am a 19-year-old professional poker player specializing in [tournaments/cash games]. My passion for the game, strong mathematical foundation, and ability to adapt to different playing styles have helped me develop a solid track record of success. I am currently seeking staking opportunities to continue competing at higher stakes and maximize my profitability.

I'm going to leave my resume, to play a mtts, this last year I had fewer tournaments played online than expected due to playing live tournaments, I'm leaving the link and graphics below along with my discord.


discord : funnyshark0395

Hello, i am interested and i would like to get in contact with you. Unforunetly i can t send a PM here, but my discord is : Mercy007.
