DS Kings in Omaha 5 cards - 3 way on the flop with a 1 SPR

DS Kings in Omaha 5 cards - 3 way on the flop with a 1 SPR

Hello guys,

I played this hand tonite and I would like to know how you would have played it.

It s Omaha 5 cards.

I have 530. I am UTG+1 and there is a Mississippi straddle to 10. I have KK579ssccc and I limp to 10. One limps and Mississippi raises to 40. I 3 bet to 130. One guy calls and the original raiser call.

400 € pot and I have 400 in my stack.
Flop 488hhd
I am first to act.

Do you bet all in or do you check to see what happens vs the 2 players?

02 September 2023 at 01:12 AM

1 Reply

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3-betting with your hand pre-flop is insane. That being said, I'd LOVE to play with you.
