KJd9d98 T96dd
Hi all,
10/10/25/25 plo5 (3 blinds with one utg straddle), 4-handed, hero is in the $25 blind with KJd9d98 and first to act makes it $125, we flat and straddle flats, we are approx. $4,000 eff. Preflop raiser and the straddle are both action players, quite loose.
Flop ($385): Td9s6d. We flop mid set, open ender, J-high fd. X to pfr, $300, hero x/r $1,200, folds to pfr who flats.
Turn ($2785): 8h. Spr is around 1. We didn't improve but we still have our open-ender and set and potentially fd.
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26 December 2023 at 11:36 PM
1 Reply
I x flop because this V bets too often, I was pretty sure I would be able to raise. Sorry for the post, it is a confusing blind structure.