Did I get it in good here?

Did I get it in good here?

Excuse the poor english.

I am Playing 2/4 PLO 6-handed at my local casino in Colombia. I have never seen any of the players before so IDK their stats and I have no table image.

This is the third hand after I sat down.

I am in the cutoff with 99 BB and have As Jd 9s 3h.

Villain and UTG+1 have me covered, each with around 120 BB.

Villain raises 3.5 BB UTG.

UTG +1 calls, I call in the cutoff, we go to flop.

Flop comes 10s 8c 5s.

Villain bets 8BB into pot, UTG +1 calls, I raise to 30 BB. Villain calls, UTG +1 calls

Turn is K c, UTG checks, UTG +1 checks, The pot is at 95 BB and I have 66 BB left, so I shove with the open ender and nut flush draw.

Villain calls my all-in, UTG +1 folds.



Brick, 6d.

Villain shows Qs Qd Js 4d. takes the pot.

I feel like I got it in good, is this just the cruel world of Omaha variance?
How would you have played this hand?

Normally I would have just called down and fold brick on the river

I am losing a lot of bankroll barrelling equity like this playing more aggresive, because I get so bored just playing playing nitty ABC poker even though I am decently profitable that way (not a losing player I mean).

thanks for your time

11 January 2024 at 10:13 PM

8 Replies

You can always look up equities of various holdings using propokertools, which is still free for desktop.


You can probably just call if you don't like the variance. You have 15 nut outs, and you profit being IP against 2 players.

If not, as played is kind of fine.

P.S. where do you play PLO in Colombia?

I would prefer check turn as played. Hero typically won't have enough fold equity after 2 players called your flop raise. You still have implied odds after checking.

Villain should probably not call your raise with the hand he showed down.

by DumbosTrunk k

You can always look up equities of various holdings using propokertools, which is still free for desktop.

thank you, On the flop I had 55% equity, on the turn I knew the K was bad , i was a 70 30 dog but SPR was low enough I figured to shove in that moment..

@sabinsala yes youre right normally I call down, I was just watching some berrisweet videos before so I was feeling aggro 😀
It is at the luckia casino in Bogota

@monikrazy you're right, If it was just hero v villain I wouldnt have the spr to shove, I had to figure UTG +1 was holding some blocking hands, just like villain was holding QQ and 2 spade blockers. makes sense.
Thanks amigos

Why you call such a trash preflop

by corradosoprano k

@sabinsala yes youre right normally I call down, I was just watching some berrisweet videos before so I was feeling aggro 😀

Probably with the 3 being anything helpful a shove would be actually really good, like instead of 3 a 7, 8, T, Q. Even another J or 9 would be good, so you block splitting the pot when you hit the open ender. Here the hand was perhaps too marginal to shove.

I think your description was easy to understand so don't worry about your English.

Pre flop is marginal but OK in position (especially if you can tell the button is folding (player's signaling their folds prematurely is probably the most useful live tell and common at these limits).

On the flop I like the raise. But after getting two calls I'd check back on the turn with only a 2/3 pot sized bet left. With two opponents and the turn card bringing in another flush draw check and try to realize your equity.

Regarding "the cruel world of Omaha variance" start to think of the high variance in Pot Limit Omaha as your friend. As long as you have a decent bankroll and play multiway pots well realize the extreme variance in PLO is one of the main reasons the games are so good and should stay good for a long time. It seems that the average pot in PLO for lets say a $5 big blind is about 3 times higher than the nearby holdem games (at least where I play) and if you don't tilt during downswings your win rate can be far higher than no limit holdem with the same blinds.

Good luck and post more!

I actually like a flat on flop multiway. We have nut nut draws. If we hit we are going to gain a lot from the others on turn and river. If we miss we check turn.

If we were heads up and not multiway I would raise flop as played.
