aces OOP 4 ways
hero has AAT8 rainbow in SB with ~2300 in stack, there is a 25 button straddle, hero limps because the game has been crazy and hopes to backraise.
two more limps, decent LAG in CO makes it 125, button flats, i repot to 550, terrible fish on a heater calls after much deliberation, LAG calls, button calls. everyone covers. fish and LAG are super deep, like 8k at least.
flop: Qh7s6s
we have the Ts in our hand. are we just going with this one given SPR is <1?
11 Replies
Looking for an answer to this as well.
Playing aces multiway in omaha is always tough, you pot pre so everyone's default is to put you on aces, and callers tag along to try and catch something.
the majority of times in these situations I shove the flop with a similiar SPR, and get crushed by some mid-rundown hand.
I guess getting it in is standard, but idk?
I am wondering how much different pre flop play is with aa unsuited, vs single suit, vs double suit, in terms of getting it in.
Always enjoy your hand histories. thx.
Check and evaluate is probably fine. Think this is a spot where we might check/call against one player (pot-sized bet) but can fold against 2+.
Turn visibility isn't a huge problem, Hero can give up most turns.
Straightforward check/fold - not enough equity to do anything else
The real question is what is the stack off trashold for aces multi-way post for shallow SPRs. Script a dozen boards three way and run various SPRs from 0.75-2. Then quiz yourself. Now you actually got much better at this spot instead of bounce a few thoughts shrug move on.
Also run a few multi-way equity calculations to get a feel for how your equity drops three way.
My question in these OOP spots is how effective betting $300-350 would be to ..
1) Open the door to getting isolated and forcing more Players to fold out
2) Saving us $200 'per try'
If Hero feels that a raise to $300 is the same as a pot bet, then I'm inclined to bet smaller and perhaps be able to do this with a wider range of holdings instead of just announcing AAxx from OOP. GL
I feel like rainbow is auto ship vs CO because of SPR, with the fd though when it’s goes in we can be in horrible shape.
Ignoring the fish at the moment because he could literally have A552 etc.
Maybe this is a check assess sizing/continues thing. Like rip over a weak stab/fold? Is fish the button?
If CO ever has issues folding broadway rundowns vs super strong 3bet and has a hand like AQxx in range we could be printing here.
Interesting spot, suggest feee advice from crimson is probably $$$.
Personally, I do not like reraising with crappy aces. I need some connectivity or suits. I mean yours aren't A/A/9/5 bad but I still don't like it. As played though against that many opponents I'm check folding. I mean you're a 58-42 dog to a straight draw/flush draw combo like 8/9/K/J with 2 spades. However I'm fully aware I'm slightly nittier than the average PLO player.
Yeah I actually kind of agree with at least considering a flat pre. If it’s gonna be hu I don’t mind 3betting weak-ish aces (AT8 still connected), but if it’s very likely to go multi-way that becomes a lot worse.
I'd need much better aces to repot here. As played I'd check and evaluate.
Note I only play in games with $5 BB (usually straddled) which tend to be very loose.
Glad to see Crimson said he would consider flatting pre.
I don't like the limp/pot with unsuited AA, especially OOP. I raise right off in hopes someone else pots and we can gii heads up or just limp/call.
As played, check/fold flop.
thanks for replies. i do often play mediocre aces passively from OOP in this kind of dynamic, but felt it was a pretty good squeeze spot with the button flatting. i felt pretty comfortable navigating flop OOP 2 or 3 ways in this spot. i was not expecting to get called by the fish, but, fish gonna fish.
i ended up check-calling LAG's PSB on flop and got it in heads up against a bare NFD - AJ93ss. i think he views me as tight and expected me to fold my obvious AA pretty often here.