straight blockers turns medium flush on wet board

straight blockers turns medium flush on wet board

loose, wild 5/5 game, fishy reg opens to 25, one call, solid player makes it 100, i flat on the button with JTT8, mediocre reg in the SB flats, fishy reg calls, other guy folds.

flop is KJ9 - checks to me and i bet 250, SB flats, everyone else folds

SB has around 4k and i cover, though it doesn't end up really mattering

turn 5

check check

SB and i know each other well, he views me as very solid and balanced, i doubled through him a couple hours ago in a set over set scenario where he tank-called with middle set on a dryish board after i raised a fishy short stack's flop shove, thinking i would not fast play AA in that spot. he is an action player who is prone to steam but i think he is playing reasonably right now. i checked because i think this is a two street value hand, i am repping the straight on the flop and may induce some bluffs on blank rivers, or bet again if checked to. he can call pretty wide on this flop as he is pretty sticky and does not need a nutted draw. i think there is probably also an argument for bet turn and check back most rivers.

river 8, he bets 400 i call. this sizing seems milky and value oriented but this player understands he does not always need to bluff huge against me and may sometimes bet a smaller flush here once i check back turn and a 4th heart comes.

03 February 2024 at 08:22 PM

8 Replies

I haven’t developed a 3 bet cc range, and solvers hate non-nutted hands in multiway pots, so I fold preflop. I don’t hate the call, but it’s not part of my game and I would be curious to discuss 3 bet flatting ranges in loose spewy games.

On the flop I think you just check it back - you don’t want to get xr and you have a bunch of non-nutted equity and you aren’t bluffing.

On the river I’m not sure what rhe question is or if there is one. I am not even considering a fold here ever.

by MarkD k

I haven’t developed a 3 bet cc range, and solvers hate non-nutted hands in multiway pots, so I fold preflop. I don’t hate the call, but it’s not part of my game and I would be curious to discuss 3 bet flatting ranges in loose spewy games.

On the flop I think you just check it back - you don’t want to get xr and you have a bunch of non-nutted equity and you aren’t bluffing.

On the river I’m not sure what rhe question is or if there is one. I am not even considering a fold here ever.

preflop i think is pretty standard in this game, though admittedly i have not done a ton of solver work around this. we are super deep, the fish is opening very very wide and people have consequently been three betting him a ton. just have to avoid getting into a huge pot with a middling draw against the good player. i feel pretty comfortable navigating most scenarios here.

i was wary of a flop x/r here, but i have a very strong image and block so much of a potential x/r range. the 3-bettor shouldn't be checking any big hands with just me left to act, as he has a couple of huge action players in front of him and i have not been getting out of line. the fish would have most likely 4-bet KK combos pre and also tends to just bomb away with his big hands. i felt like i could get a lot of folds from Kx, dry two pair, etc type hands and continue applying pressure on blank turns. obviously the plan depends greatly on where / if i get called.

not really a question on the river. once we play the turn as we did, river plays itself.

I would argue the 3 bettor should be checking a ton of strong vulnerable hands in this spot that would then turn around and xr. All sets can conceivably xr. As can QT, which you do block.

Your blockers make me want to bet, but your weak vulnerable equity makes me want to check and continue. You lose almost nothing by checking and I don’t think these action guys are folding two pair…. My experience with live action players is they are more likely to bomb 2pr here then fold…

Fold pre, this a high spr hand that will rarely want to put lots of money in post.

Flop is interesting. We can definitely fold out better by betting. However, we want their ranges to be wide when he hit our non nut outs. I lean check.

The rest played itself.

I play the hearts as blockers and bet the flop as a bluff, folding vs kr. As played check turn seems good to me.

River I understand the call. I can't say it's wrong so much as it's inconsistent. SB seems very narrow to cc pre kc flop and k this turn. His bluffs would have to come from AhKxJx or AhJxJx or the like. If you think he can turn those into bluffs, or he's in a spot to bet straights when the fourth heart hits and use a milky sizing to "bluff," I guess find the call but I think fold is better.

Would you have called the same bet without the river heart?

I'm fine with the hand .. how often would V bet the blocker on Turn or River .. c/r Turn with blocker? KJT98 all out there .. so only A/Q out there to bluff/value with. How often does V expect Hero to bet 'all' flushes?

I don't get a lot of worse flushes betting out here in my games, so we just need to look at how often this is a Block Bet .. if 25%, then we snap call. GL

by answer20 k

I'm fine with the hand .. how often would V bet the blocker on Turn or River .. c/r Turn with blocker? KJT98 all out there .. so only A/Q out there to bluff/value with. How often does V expect Hero to bet 'all' flushes?

I don't get a lot of worse flushes betting out here in my games, so we just need to look at how often this is a Block Bet .. if 25%, then we snap call. GL

i think this V knows that i am not betting 'all' flushes on turn or river and that i can bet with a non nut FD as part of a combo hand on the flop. i think x/r or lead with blocker are both in V's playbook on either turn or river, but in general he tends to opt for the lower variance plays against me so i think he might be more inclined to try either on river than turn for fear that i am calling turn with equity (e.g. set + worse flush). but in general he is capable of whatever and that certainly includes bluffing into me with or without the blocker once i check back turn. i don't think he ever expects me to check back turn with the nut flush tbh and he's probably right, lol.

Not a fan of pre but hey if you gotta splash sometimes for your image w/e.

What do you think his flop c/c range is after he cc OOP pre?
