PLO5 preflop cluster****
This happens relatively often where someone squeezes, I think I have a close decision and end up calling. Get multiple callers, then some guy backraises and again, have another close decision and I think I have enough equity to continue.
Hilarious and annoying at the same time.
Do you fold in this hand and if yes at which point?
6 Replies
I'm not sure if the initial raise is a great idea with this particular hand, but I think all the calls afterward are fine. Hero could even consider putting in the 4! himself.
Hero is sometimes a small equity favorite in the main, and should only be a small dog for the side pot. So final call should still be +ev.
I ran a few sims and Hero has about 28% equity in the main pot, and 43-44% equity in the sidepot, which seems pretty reasonable.
Initial raise fine since the hand is double suited and also utg is playing 30bbs with 60% vpip.
After the utg 3b hero should always 4b.
How do you guys arrive at the conclusion that 4 betting could be/is better?
My reason for playing it passively was that most double pairs imo prefer to call because they either spike most of their equity on the flop or miss completely. Is it the dead money that justifies the 4b or pushing out other players?
If this is what happens when you show aggression pre then the solution is to overlimp, not gii pre.
How do you guys arrive at the conclusion that 4 betting could be/is better?
My reason for playing it passively was that most double pairs imo prefer to call because they either spike most of their equity on the flop or miss completely. Is it the dead money that justifies the 4b or pushing out other players?
It's pretty complicated. But some pieces of the reasoning.
First - Hero going HU with the shortstack is a good result.
Second - It's good to have 4! with non AA hands, here we have the benefit of an a blocker and a hand with good equity when called by bigger pairs.
Third - even though this hand has good multiway equity, its playability on the flop isn't always great, and seeing all 5 cards is valuable. So while Hero doesn't mind seeing a flop multiway, it's less profitable if BB calls and can shove 36bb it puts Hero in some awkward spots.
The reason is our openings range from early is well ahead vs the sb flatting range in terms of equity. Further Almost any hand you ISO’d the shorty here with has 45% at least vs the sb. So add just a tiny bit of FE, which you have plenty because you have a stronger range and he’s more capped, and you’re printing.
When you flat you’re actually heavily capping yourself now incentivising all kinds of hands from the SB to reship (like most KK, AKQ85 kinda hands)
I reship almost entire range here. The hands that could be interested in just flatting i.e single suited low/mid rundowns I would have just overlimped to begin with.