Wrap Facing Jam on Flop from 50bb Stack
Hero (QJT5ds): Iso vs limp to 4.5bb on BTN.
SB calls (56bb eff)
Limper calls
Pot 14.5bb
Flop K92r
checks to hero. Hero Cbet 65% (9.5bb). SB pot to 42.76bb (9.5bb behind)
I'm curious if this is just always a repot/all in. I have backdoor spades and wrap. Plenty of equity.
My question is what if Villain has full stack. Still repot/all in or just a call?
7 Replies
flop is check back always with your hand. try to realize your equity. no one is folding a better hand and you have Q hi so not much worse can call.
Thank you. This is helpful. My brain just says, oh ****. Equity! Bet!
I would overlimp this hand. Your non nut suits play better in a smaller pot and it’s likely to go multiway regardless.
Flop is interesting. With 2 bdfd I am tempted to bet. Gotta call off his jam. Would need to look at a sim for your equity vs his range if you can put in another 90bb. Call is way better than jam cause we save half a stack when board pairs turn.
OmahaDonk, most of what I've seen online avoids limping, so I've tended to avoid it. Maybe I'm missing something by not?
OmahaDonk, most of what I've seen online avoids limping, so I've tended to avoid it. Maybe I'm missing something by not?
This hand is an ok iso. There are hands that play better as a limp because they usually brick but make nutted hands when they hit (think set mining from nlhe). A hand like A932ss is trash but in weak lineups you can overlimp this in position. Same with a hand like QQ62.
Your hand might benefit from getting folds from trash hands with bigger flush draws, but fish aren’t going to fold those hands anyways.
Mixed bag PF .. can go both ways equally raise or limp .. when this short how do you handle getting raised PF?
As PFR I'd rather not check this Flop, but can to avoid GII spots like this that have to improve.
Limping in PLO keeps the raises lower, which allows you to see more Flops .. hopefully in position with a greater ability to deny equity. The more Players put in PF the more likely they are to be stubborn on future streets. That sounds great when you're ahead, but when you have to hit you'd rather get some folds.
How often do you hit 'this' dream Flop? Not very often .. pot control PF allows you to more reasonably see Turns with marginal equity. There's nothing wrong with winning less .. as long as you're winning! GL
Kind of a strange spot. I don't really like pre-flop iso but we don't see all the stack depths or know anything about limper from OP.
When checked to on the flop, i would play a mixed strategy where i sometimes bet medium size, sometimes bet pot and sometimes check.
Pot/call it off should mostly be fine with 2 bdfds.
We might consider some tight folds against xr to smaller sized bet, since our hand is dominated by similar hands with a pair. But it also depends on how sound a range villains are playing. Against pro shortstackers, our average equity is going to be a lot worse than vs a rec cold-call range.