Floating thresholds

Floating thresholds

Hi all,

was in a MW SRP, 5 people seeing the flop in PLO5. I am BB with AdKcJhTh9h.



UTG pots. I tanked a bit and folded. My thoughts - although I have an amazing wrap, I don't have a FD, no backdoor FD, no Queen (someone might repot with QQ).

If I were one of the last to act I would have called, but I just thought a reraise means I 100% have to fold, so too risky.

Was this ok?

As a side note, Kh came off on turn, 2 people stacked off, one with the dummy straight (9 to K) and one with AQ722 (so bottom set). None of the two had clubs.

17 April 2024 at 08:41 PM

4 Replies

No it’s not ok. Gotta peel one with that wrap.

Even vs a set you're 45%, so you should definitely call. I wouldn't worry too much about getting reraised - QQ might be the only hand to reraise, or depending on stacks might look for a blank turn to GII.

thanks, it was too tight to fold, even discounting what crap the opponents showed up with.

in PLO5 there are so many "bad" hands that can outdraw you, that sometimes it is hard to distinguish where you should make your stand. I am just thinking that any FD has over 33% equity against me, and if two players stick around, i am probably -EV.

I would tend to agree that folding a Super Wrap (Ace to Eight) here is not the way to go. You do have one club and block the nut BD flush draw if you have a tight image in which to use it on River. Yes, multi-way you are probably sharing cards but that's the nature of 5-card. The only better Flop out there is a rainbow one .. gotta peel. GL
