[converted_hand][hand_history]Yatahay Network - $1 PL Hi (6 max) - Omaha Hi - 6 players
Hand converted by Holdem Manager 3
UTG: $100.00 (100 bb)
MP: $328.28 (328.3 bb)
Hero (CO): $112.65 (112.7 bb)
BTN: $100.00 (100 bb)
SB: $295.13 (295.1 bb)
BB: $133.22 (133.2 bb)
SB posts $0.50, BB posts $1.00
Pre Flop: (pot: $1.50) Hero has 5♠ Q♠ 8♦ J♦
2 folds, Hero raises to $3.50, fold, SB calls $3.00, BB calls $2.50
Flop: ($10.50, 3 players) 6♦ 4♠ Q♥
SB checks, BB bets $7.87, Hero calls $7.87, SB calls $7.87
Turn: ($34.11, 3 players) J♥
SB checks, BB bets $34.11, Hero ???
11 Replies
Top 2 with additional equity is an all in at this stack depth.
I don't know about that. Our additional equity is pretty slim, there's no flop flush draw for either of them to be chasing, which weights their ranges towards made hands, and he's potted into two players after being called twice with a 3/4 psb. Having particularly the 5 but also the 8 blocker means even more when we're multiway. BB will also have the widest range and therefore have more 44 and 66. I think we can look at this psb and use it as an excuse to pitch our hand given that we're not exactly going to have smashing equity when we get it in 3 ways unless they're both blocking each other with draws.
BB hits this flop hardest and is allowed to donk pretty wide here. The fact that the turn introduces a lot of draws lets him barrel wide again as he gains equity with new straight and flush draw available. We don’t block any hearts or AKT9.
Think we should fold the turn - we're a significant dog to a plausible range. The only way to continue would be if you think he pots bare 57 OTT which seems generous.
I'd rather raise the flop than call.
We're in position, multiway with a guy behind us, outs to the nuts, and the possibility of having to throw away our showdown value and nut outs to a flop 3b if we raise. Our hand is going to be pretty easy to play on many runouts and actions. I don't think we can rely on BB to fold many better hands than ours to our raise nor call many worse. No need to throw away our positional advantage on what is little more than a raise for information.
Yes, risking nut equity but that's not significant enough to support call call so considering alternatives.
Yes, we have position and that helps us realize but we need better quality in our equity as well. We caught a clearly improving card and there are raise/call/fold in the replies. Holding a nut bd would certainly help but we can't affect the cards in our hand. We can affect the players in the pot.
Yes, there's an ability to play well across runouts with this combo. That holds true for raising as well and helps us play better in the larger pot we create. We're not so short that our positional advantage disappears when our raise is called.
Yes, we may not win the pot immediately but that's also not a zero probability. Down this branch there's value in winning a larger pot later without the best hand.
Yes, risking nut equity but that's not significant enough to support call call so considering alternatives.
Yes, we have position and that helps us realize but we need better quality in our equity as well. We caught a clearly improving card and there are raise/call/fold in the replies. Holding a nut bd would certainly help but we can't affect the cards in our hand. We can affect the players in the pot.
Yes, there's an ability to play well across runouts with this combo. That holds true for
I agree that there are good reasons to raise, but we may not be able to discern whether your reasons to raise are better than my reasons to call.
i typically dont post stats but this hand might warrant. villain is 41/18 over 130 hands.
agg%= 30
flop agg%-30
turn agg%-45
river agg%-16
this did contribute to what line i actually took. given this info what line do you think is best?