PLO Bomb Pot

PLO Bomb Pot

$10 Bomb Pot - 8 handed. Stack $1000 and $600.

Both opponents are new to the table. I'm a reg and I have never seen them before. They know how to play bomb pots though.

I hold QsQc, the side cards are fairly irrelevant. Jc 8d



Kc 5s 7d

Pot $80.

UTG #2 $600 stack leads for $25

CO with $1000 stack calls.

Pot $125.

I decide it is worth calling for the small price.



I how have 2nd set on both boards.

UTG #2 Makes it $75

CO Makes it $225

What should I do?

I call

UTG shoves for roughly $550
CO revshoves for roughly $900 total

I have to call about $675. The total pot once called will be $2680


I think I should have folded to the initial raise of $225 because someone should have the nuts on one board at least.

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24 December 2024 at 06:34 AM

9 Replies

by Huha'sgirl k

I hold QsQc, the side cards are fairly irrelevant. Jc 8d

I started reading your posts and immediately started shaking my head when I got to you saying that any of your side cards are irrelevant in the great game of pot limit Omaha. A bit of advice I can give you is to never again say any of your cards are irrelevant.

On the flop...sure enough your "irrelevant" side cards block a straight on both boards. The Jc blocks a straight on the top board which is a very nice blocker when you have a set. The 8d blocks some straights on the bottom board which again is helpful when all you have is one pair.

etc. etc.

The side cards are pretty irrelevant for this exact situation. There are no straights on the turn. So they don't block anything.

I think the important information here is the turn bet from UTG and the Pot reraise. If I can conclude that someone is nutted on at least one board, I am then putting a lot of money in for a chop.

Don't think I can fold now that I am here. Your hand doesn't look as strong as it is. People do this w/ worse hands all the time, and you could scoop them both. Plus, chopping this bomb pot would be OK.

It doesn't matter that the straight hasn't come -- it matters that you have cards that stop it from coming. Very important.

I think more aggression on the flop is smarter. Likely a chop at worse on possibly a scoop with out showdown

I had looked at this post a while back, but timed out before replying.

I agree folding to the $225 would have been best, and that folding to the $900 is also likely to be correct. The j8 cards are absolutely relevant, and I think their presence strengthens both villain's ranges and their equity.

by Huha'sgirl k

The side cards are pretty irrelevant for this exact situation. There are no straights on the turn. So they don't block anything.

I think the important information here is the turn bet from UTG and the Pot reraise. If I can conclude that someone is nutted on at least one board, I am then putting a lot of money in for a chop.

they absolutely are relevant

you have backdoors and blockers which need to be accounted for

they may not influence things heavily, but they are without a doubt not irrelevant

Heads up can’t fold this. 3 way with both players showing aggression im folding as AA and KK very likely with this action

Probably fold to the 225 and now fold to the jam. Both boards are rainbow. It's hard to imagine this is anything but AA and KK, with or without good supporting cards.

How do you know they both know how to play bomb pots? PLO BP or NL BP? Lots of Players think they know how to play BP and don't 'remember' that 50% of their bet is going into a pot they won't win.

Why isn't CO bumping the Flop? While both boards are rainbow, even on the Turn, there's wheel and Broadway on top and middle straight on bottom to protect against. Are sets really being that conservative on the Flop?

UTG doesn't go pot on Turn and neither does CO. That could be a sign of some BP experience, but in my Player Pool tops sets are going 'pot' here, forgetting they don't get any profit unless there's 3 Players in the hand.

Surprised so many think QQ is a fold here, but I'm not going to say it wrong either. Your chips, your bankroll.

Your danglers both become relevant .. the Jack helps block the Broadway draws (now on both boards) and the 8 both hurts (full house draw) and helps block the middle straight on the bottom.

Is it possible the AA and KK are out there? Sure, it happens in non-BP too, but to have the combo of both AA/KK AND both hitting a set is fairly slim. Even if you change the Board a little and give you top set I'd be more worried about Broadway wraps since they offer more cards to beat you at.

You are calling $675 to win roughly the same amount if there's only one set out there .. and you have to fade all the straight draws. BUT you might get a triple if both Boards pair!

These are BP .. you need nut and 2nd nut draws .. and you have a possibility on both Boards. Not so sure I'm folding here. GL
