PLO 10/25 against nit
Live game, nitty action overall.
2 limpers to hero at MP, raise will not iso so we limp with QhQd6d9h. 3 more players join.
Flop ($150) Qc4h6h
Hero flops top set and Q high FD.
Checked to hero who checks. CO nit bets $125, BB calls, I raise the pot to $650, only the nit calls. 7k beyond.
Turn ($1575) 8s
I check to the nit, I don't think he will call w a naked FD and I mostly get action from straights . He pots, I call.
River ($4725) Ah
Do we donk? I end up checking, he bets small 2100. I don't see him calling with worse so I just call.
Appreciate comments on any street.
7 Replies
This is a classic 'hard for us to comment' spot because most of us would have played at least the flop very differently, and I'd guess about 25% of the lags here raise pre. Just bet the flop.
I think I would still raise pre given we'll be IP with a DS hand and potential for top set. Flop I'd prob bet as I think with this many is it checks around a good % of the time. I like the turn x/c - on the river if we check he's only betting better hands for value and I don't see a nit having bluffs here when he'd have to turn something into a bluff. Think you're better off doing some block betting depending on how he reacts to that
You are the nit
I'd lead the river I think, but xc river looks good (mostly mandatory) as played. Presumably villain range is 75xx with a lot of flush draws Hero beats, but tight villain will also check back.
Best donk sizing is up for debate, but I'd guess block/smaller sizing.
I don't really have any big issues with pre-flop overlimp or flop check. I do prefer raise pre-flop, and I do think betting flop is preferred (the biggest reason is Hero wants to fast-play for stacks against smaller sets+flush draws), but I also think downgrading our hand because of the 9, and 6, is correct.
This is an awkward hand to check-raise, but getting CO to fold is a good result, and so is winning the entire pot immediately. Hero can also think about just giving up on the turn vs. nit. Hero only has ~22% equity vs something like Ah75, and might not be getting direct odds (Hero might have something like 28-30% equity against villain holdings even if he has no bluffs). It's not a clear-cut fold though, since Hero doesn't need much implied odds for call to be profitable. The danger is the reverse implied odds.
Never folding turn, calling river.
This is a good lesson in hand reading. The Ah really screwed your opponent IMO.
Pre is fine. Your hand isn’t pushing enough equity or will make better hands fold in live environments. I’d put the iso raise cutoff at something like QQJ9ds or QQ98ds. QQ96 is just a bit too disconnected. Fine to limp call.
What hands bet multi-way when checked to here in villains shoes? A hi flush draws with extra equity like a pair or SD, wraps with a FD and/or pair and/or blockers, and sets and top 2 with extra equity like a FD and SD and/or blockers. Weaker hands should almost always check, especially if you have him classified as a nit, so we can funnel his range to the above. The fact he called a XR means it’s a bit stronger most likely then middle or bottom set with a weak flush draw.
Onto the turn. Your hand is pretty face up as a NFD with backup or set. Bad card for range in theory and should check a ton and protect that checking range with straights. He now pots when checked to. So what’s he representing. Straights and or FDs with a straight blocker pushing for a fold but has equity if called. In theory he has all A hi fds still and all straights, both naked and with FDs. Nuts changed and a pot is fine. You have the equity to call here with your hand specifically. Top Set with FD vs his range is more than 33%. Fold other sets with no backup, especially blocking ur own outs.
Onto the river. Ah. Well wait a second, what’s his range? We said he had all straights with FD and FD blockers, and all A hi FD with equity like two pair or SD blockers. Now that the Ah fires off we can funnel his range to almost exclusively straights with a weaker FD (wraps like 8765hh T875hh 7654hh). For him to specifically be bet/calling the K hi flush he would have to have only a hand like KK75hh or some wonky run down like K765ds. Nonsense to bet multi-way and then call a check raise, especially for a “nit”. So what’s he repping?
Straight that also hit his flush and just a straight trying to get a crying call from some unbelieving set with blockers.
Wouldn’t take me too long to call. If he shows a K hi flush I’d take away the nit tag and square him under a loose passive call station.
Im guessing you call and lost to KJT9hh?
I hate joining other limpers in pots. Its a pure crapshoot with minimal ability to craft ranges
If the guy truly is a nit and you havent seen him get OOL I'd donk/fold river as what naked Kxh would a nit be bluffing with?
However if he was an aggressive player Id x/c like you did.
Turn fine as played