Top 2 on ace spade, j spade, 5 flop... 3 bet pf please critique my play
Started hand 600bbs deep opponent had me covered.
This hand was from last week and I'm unsure of what my hand was but on an ace spade, j spade, 5 flop I had ajxx(no fd or straight draw)
It was 4 bet p.f. and I think 3 way to the flop above.
The opponent who has me covered bet pot on flop putting other opponent all in.. I doubled the pot sized bet and he went all in for 400 more bb's.
The opponent was the 4 bettor p.f. I put him on a set of aces and folded. He showed kq of spades.
I prob. Call this bet the majority of the time if I had a bankroll but am playing underolled and let it go. In this situation is this a call?
Thank you.
2 Replies
Started hand 600bbs deep opponent had me covered.
This hand was from last week and I'm unsure of what my hand was but on an ace spade, j spade, 5 flop I had ajxx(no fd or straight draw)
It was 4 bet p.f. and I think 3 way to the flop above.
The opponent who has me covered bet pot on flop putting other opponent all in.. I doubled the pot sized bet and he went all in for 400 more bb's.
The opponent was the 4 bettor p.f. I put him on a set of aces and folded. He showed kq of spades.
I prob. Call thi
You do not have a hand that should be in a 4 bet hand pre-flop. BTW if he only showed you KQ of spades he has two other cards that likely co-ordinate with the cards he showed. Also PLO is a horrible game choice to play without a proper bankroll.
No they didn't coordinate.. he was in the handvs.short stack player.