Consider folding Top Set?
Pretty much a normal live 1/2-5 PLO game ..
UTG ($950) .. 3rd BI .. numerous bad beats but still trying to hold it together (we think) .. Typically a splashy Player but almost always has very strong holding when it comes to putting in stacks for 'this' amount.
MP .. ($1800) Big time Player/Gambler .. Typically plays pretty snug even in these 'small' stakes games
B .. ($1200) .. Short Stacker who does run it up a lot, never one to turn down a 'challenge' but does recognize 'poker' situations
PF .. B $20 Straddle, Call, Fold Call .. MP pots to $105 .. B tank-calls .. UTG calls fairly fast
Flop .. ($335) .. 9♥ 7♥ 6♥
Check, MP=$150 .. B quickly calls .. UTG jams fairly quickly
This is a different type of thread for sure .. but .. these are the 3 holdings. What would you do with each of the holdings from each of the 3 positions and based on the action given here what do you think actually happened?
Hopefully you don't find this too open ended since I do think that folding both top and middle set may be a consideration depending on each position based on this action. GL
6 Replies
Sorry, that is just way too much to think about / pull together an answer for -- at least for me 😉
FWIW, I could/would fold 99, never shoving w/ it. The 77 hand would be tougher. I could see the UTG jamming w/ AA, obviously, but should have raised pre, so probably has the 77 hand. Never folding the AA hand even though there is a straight flush out there.
I don't quite understand the action. Which one has the choice of 3 diffrerent hands? MP? So we're playing the hand from the pov of the big time gambler who covers? If so, I think given the tendency to play the nut blocker fast, and the general tendency to play fast and loose on the flop, I might get all 3 in.
live 1/2-5 PLO game ..
UTG ($950)
MP .. ($1800)
B .. ($1200)
PF .. B $20 Straddle, Call, Fold Call .. MP pots to $105 .. B tank-calls .. UTG calls fairly fast
Flop .. ($335) .. 9♥ 7♥ 6♥
Check, MP=$150 .. B quickly calls .. UTG jams fairly quickly
You didn't put the player position next to the hand holdings making this a bit more difficult to read, but if I am reading it correctly...
A♥A♣4♥6♣ as UTG is was wise to check to the preflop raiser who was MP especially with another player getting sandwiched between the two of you if you check-raise instead of donk lead.
Q♥7♦7♣T♥ I think MP played it horribly. This hierarchy of flushes goes down fast. There is the nut flush. Then there is the second nut flush. And some say when playing full ring that anything less than the nut or second nut flush is just a flush at risk of serious domination. Having the combination draw of a second set isn't a license to set a lot of money on fire. Third nut flush with second nut set is just a combination draw in a live game praying to not be ****ed.
9♠9♣8♥6♠ I think BU played it horribly if BU called the flop check-raise. Having a top set is a nice hand. Having another board pair to go with it is horrible and cost you a considerable amount of equity in trying to make a full house. If you are not seeing that this player had a set + a board pair, then you need to start looking more carefully.
Multi-way poker should be played a lot tighter post-flop than seen here by MP and by BU if BU called the flop check-raise.
OP didn't put positions for a reason -- OP wants to know what you'd do with each hand from each position. Too much to ask in my opinion.
Yes .. this is quite broad for a normal thread, but I thought I would give it a try for that very reason.
I'll give away the information here .. my main question here is whether anyone would consider folding top set based on the action.
UTG has set of 7s
MP has nut flush
B has set of 9s
I think 99xx is correct to flat on the Flop. The question is whether or not we feel that our outs are dead/limited to the point where top set is a fold.
In observing the hand I assumed correctly that MP had the nut flush, and probably AAxx nut flush. The question is what do we put UTG on? B is now in the tank facing all this action after a passive flat. Is top set just an auto-call-off 'with all the money out there'? GL
I fold top set with this action.