Flop and Turn Sizings
In a Galfond stream, I alluded to some of his sizings on different textures. Typically, on 3 liner and monotone flops he only uses a 1/3 sizing if to bet. Certain dynamic boards or 2 broadways other sizings. He said he bets all Ace high flops in 3 bet pots with either a half pot or pot sizing. He also mentioned how on turns that bring in say one straight his sizing may be for example half pot (not sure if it's that). My point is what is the best way to craft your own sizing strategies and would anyone be willing to share what they typically do, especially with different turn cards that affect action.
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Most training has just 2 sizings at 100bb stacks. Half pot and pot.
Static boards like flush or trip boards, or smaller effective stack sizes like 50bb or less, you can bet 1/3rd on turns and rivers.
Deeper stacks like 200bb you can switch from half pot to 66-75% pot on turns and rivers, and of course full pot.
Generally OOP you use smaller sizings and bet less often on turns and rivers.
IP you bet more full pot.
As the aggressor on the flop, if the turn and rivers don’t change you generally keep blasting.
As the flop caller if the turns and rivers change you have a leading range and can apply pressure.
Pot is generally used for more mergey hands on dynamic boards and with polar hands on static boards.
It’s pretty nuances and requires study and practice but once you get it you get it.