Probably a horrible fold

Probably a horrible fold

1-2 winner straddle 10 4-card PLO.

I'm 7c-8d-9c-Jd, double suited rundown. Pretty good hand. I'm in cutoff. To my right makes it 45, five players to the flop. Button out, last position me. I have 1200 in front.

Flop comes K-J-7, two diamonds. A bit unusual, I think, that I'm drawing at all three classic hands in 4-card, full house, flush, straight. None of it too nutty, obv. Bottom 2-pair, lousy gutter, medium flush.

Check, check, check. Pre-flop raiser, fast action player, follows for pot, 225. It feels a bit odd in that if I re-pot I have no idea what I want to come. I mean usually, always, you have some idea.

Well, I had one foot out the door. I folded and took both feet out the door and booked a good win. I just don't remember shipping very often with absolutely no idea where I was in the hand or what I wanted to come. I guess that is where "Let it happen, Cap'n" comes in and I failed it.

The pot bet took it down so if I had played, call or raise, it would have been heads up. I don't know. I was lost in the hand.

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09 February 2025 at 11:51 PM

17 Replies

My guess, if someone pots multiway, they have a strong, but vulnerable hand. Since you block J7, KK is most likely.

Plugging your hand into equilab, you have roughly 38% equity against all KK. If we expand his range to all sets, you have 40% equity.

My gut instinct was the fold is terrible. How could it be wise to fold so much equity?

But maybe the fold is good, because we block so many draws, our draws aren't nutted, and villain is value heavy? Curious what others think.

Villain was plenty ripe to just continue with anything since it was checked to him and then auto call with just aces or just top pair and a gutter type hand. That was in favor of play. There are 3 players behind me and I'm super weak all over the place if they come in. That favors raise or fold, mostly fold, imo.

Truth told, I read the villain for just auto-follow like he was playing hold'em. If he happened to smash it with either trip Kings with a bigger flush draw or Kings up and a bigger flush draw, I'm totally toast.

Deeper truth told, if I was behind or not getting ready to leave, I would have raised it in hopes of isolating and if he didn't smash it I'm probably huge equity against his range anyway. One foot out the door with iffy/different type of situation (no clue what I wanted to come) is what made the decision for me. But still wondering about the hand and situation itself without that factor which I realize shouldn't be in play.

This isn't a particularly tight fold to make, I think most of us would make that fold

agree with fold, my main reason for it:

you cannot really call, bc whatever comes in on the turn (flush, or 2 pair turn to full house), you never know if you're good

so, the only way to really continue would be to raise and get it in (if re-raised), and for that the hand just smells to weak overall (bc of the non-nutiness of all your outs)

I'd 3bet pre and I think there's an argument to be made for folding being better than calling.

As played, fold is fine but if effective stacks let you gii now (900 or less) consider jamming. You have equity but not playability so the one action gii let's you realize what you have rather than guess further on later streets.

Certainly 3bet pre

Oh yeah, this is your last hand, almost criminal not to splash a 3b up their asses

Well I'm surprised at the analysis, pleasantly so. I guess it was only the situation and my read on the villain constantly getting in that made the raise play seem good, because there was a very good chance he would call even if my bottom 2-pair was currently good and my flush draw was good. He's putting it in with a king and any draw. Of course my hand is tender still.

Luv the point about equity versus playability of the hand. Right on the money. I'm in position on the guy. If his flop bet drives all out but me, I'm still playable against him. If it comes any blank and he checks I'm good enough to pot on the hand's merit. If it comes the straight or the flush I'd have to feel my way.

Raise the max so you don't need to know where you stand

I think calling is a LOT better than raising. By raising you are sometimes getting it in in very poor shape against hands that aren't so hard to have: say KK, Adxd. I don't understand the "you can't call" -comments. I am not saying calling is better than folding, but it certainly is better than raising IMO.

Calling is better than raising but honestly fold is best. You have 3 players left to act on a high and drawy board facing a pot-sized bet from a guy who could easily have you dominated 2 ways out of 3, and it's not like we're even in particularly crushing shape against the bottom of his range here. No visibility on his range should everyone else fold, no idea when we're folding the best hand on the turn or getting bluffed. I pitch this quickly and think call is spew.

by theprofessor k

Raise the max so you don't need to know where you stand

I really think that is the bottom line best answer. Get full equity, no worry about later street play, against an extremely spewy player whose range I dominate. On the off chance he flopped big, my hand kind of sucks. Against all his weak connect flops, I dominate. And he clearly has demonstrated he marries his hands and loves to see the turn and river with most anything that didn't zero the flop. The game is like a river party to him ... see what happens type.

by wazz k

Calling is better than raising but honestly fold is best. You have 3 players left to act on a high and drawy board facing a pot-sized bet from a guy who could easily have you dominated 2 ways out of 3, and it's not like we're even in particularly crushing shape against the bottom of his range here. No visibility on his range should everyone else fold, no idea when we're folding the best hand on the turn or getting bluffed. I pitch this quickly and think call is spew.

Yes I know I need this hand heads-up. True I am probably letting my future knowledge that everyone else folded to his pot bet affect me too much. And true they would have been checking big hands to this spewy player. Hmm.

3b or fold pre. This is a terrible multi-way hand that serves no purpose postflop other than flopping the nut straight and praying it holds.

3b if you have a table of regs who have a fold button and a decent idea of theory and range preflop. (10% of low stakes games or less) This hands equity comes from making better hands fold preflop like shitty queens and kings and has solid distribution that connects on a lot of flops and will flop well and give you the required equity to stack off in HU 3b pots when it does connect.

If you are in the other 90% of low stakes games where no pairs fold pre and if they called one bet they are calling 2 preflop, just fold this trash.

Rundowns like this are the most misplayed hands in live PLO and this is an example of how and why.

Post flop - you are not drawing to any nut hand at all. This is why this hand sucks. You don’t know if you even want the straight, board pair or flush. You are IP and need to play this passively. In no world is your bottom 2 pair good enough to do anything unless the SPR is sub 1 and even tho, it doesn’t feel good. I’d check call if my call was closing the action and it would put me heads up but if anyone else called, I’d just fold and remember this is why we don’t play these hands this way multi-way.

Had you 3 bet pre and been heads up with a 2 spr or lower you could just pot/stack off or x/r and be absolutely fine/printing.

I wasn't worried about the pre-flop enough. I don't 3-bet much unless I'm short stack or big pair/all paint. It surely looks like 3-bet pre and play the spewer heads up was the winning move.

I don't agree that 3b pre is necessary and would rarely do so in live games bad enough for me to grace them with my presence

by FellaGaga-52 k

I wasn't worried about the pre-flop enough. I don't 3-bet much unless I'm short stack or big pair/all paint. It surely looks like 3-bet pre and play the spewer heads up was the winning move.

Best part is had he 4b, you have the perfect hand to call any 4b and had this been the flop you have the perfect hand to lead for pot/jam
