Should I get T986ds in preflop in this hand?
Loose and lively 8-handed home game, €1/€2 round of each, Texas and Omaha.
It's the round of Omaha. Hero (
We don’t need this hand for board coverage. That comes from hands like AJT9, A876, A986, AT87 etc with nut suits that are designed for multi-way.
Remember, multi-way we have on average a 20-30% betting range and our duty to defend our range is split between every other player in the pot facing a bet. It’s practically impossible to be exploited any reasonable amount to affect your win rate.
Having a nut suit is a great example of hands that the solver lovrs and will find easy to play, but in practice, we're going to be put in far more difficult spots with those hands like AT97 then we are with T986.
No, I can't prove it.
Yes, you prefer heads up and with low spr, but that's unicorns land. It's not rrelevant to the question of whether its +ev. Yes, you'll face a bunch of uncomfortable spots and get outdrawn sometimes in ways you might not with a better hand, but that still doesn't add up to - ev.
One way to think about this is board coverage. If we're folding this, are we getting sufficient board coverage from those hands we're calling in this spot that have middling cards in them to hit flops
Ok - well I think many would argue that 4betting is higher EV than calling in this spot. Yes, it's difficult to get the pot heads up, especially playing a loose live game, but one at least has to try and create the best conditions for one's hand.
As far as board coverage is concerned, as Echemondo mentioned, we get that with hands like AJT9, A876, A986 and AT87 in multiway pots, where we are happy to call and play multiway.
You mentioned "a lot of very +ev spots" with this hand, but what flops are you actually hoping for with this hand in a multiway pot that you are happy to get the money in on? It's very hard to drill the flop multiway with this hand and not be pretty vulnerable to higher draws - which is another reason why it wants to play heads-up.
We don’t need this hand for board coverage. That comes from hands like AJT9, A876, A986, AT87 etc with nut suits that are designed for multi-way.
Remember, multi-way we have on average a 20-30% betting range and our duty to defend our range is split between every other player in the pot facing a bet. It’s practically impossible to be exploited any reasonable amount to affect your win rate.
Yes, I agree.
4bet is a great option with fold equity and a need for balance.
The hands above you listed are also going to be faced with a lot of tough spots. Maybe more, in fact. How often do we flop no made hand and only a nfd and can't just pile because we're too deep? How often are we going to have to pay off with aces up?
It's easier to drill flops with the ajt9 in that we'll often enough flop a dominating monster, but not as frequently as we're faced with tough spots. We're too deep to just go 'multiway and nfd therefore stack off'. We're not playing to flop both a dominating hand and dominating draw and get it in multiway - that's relatively unlikely to happen this deep too.