$1, 100 PLO Tourney - $150K guarantee - spot early on day 2 (25 left)

$1, 100 PLO Tourney - $150K guarantee - spot early on day 2 (25 left)

Recent PLO main event. $1, 100 buy in with $150K guarantee which was easily met to create a prize pool of over $200K. 26 came back for day 2 already in the money. Min cash is $1, 580 and $50K plus to first. We have lost one so are at 25 still in. Table is 8 handed.

Hero's stack is $150K and blinds are $3K SB and $5K BB (with $2K ante). About 1/2 way through 40 minute level. UTG who is a very good player I know from cash and recently had a big 2nd place score in another PLO tourney opens to $12K. I'm UTG +2 and look down at AKKQ double suited (Spades and hearts). I reraise to $43K with $107K behind. Folds back to UTG and he thinks a bit then puts me all in.

1. After he opens do you like my raise/sizing?

2. What do you do after he puts you all in?

Thanks to all who take time to answer.

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14 February 2025 at 08:16 PM

5 Replies

I’m admittedly not a tourney guy.

How big is your stack in relation to field?

If I was short in relation to avg stack and field I’d live with this. The ranges are super tight but I can’t fold this. It may be correct to fold tho with ICM and if your remaining stack after surrendering to the 4b keeps you around avg.

If you have a big stack in relation to field i might’ve just called pre if the player is known good/crusher/theory player and properly opens UTG ranges 8 handed as it’s pretty much Aces and the hands that aren’t either snap fold the 3b or have amazing equity like JT98ds. I might 3b a slightly worse hand I don’t mind folding like AKK7 or AJJ5 with no nut suit.

If he’s good enough to blef here with a hand like ATT8 to force me to fold all K and Q hands bravo!

I think there is a good case to flat the raise for ICM reasons (what is avg stack, who is due to bust, when are payjumps) Hero can still back-jam to agression.

Maybe I could get behind some kind of initial click-it-back raise size to 24-27 and see if we can use that flexibility to our advantage.

With 5 people to act behind you, ICM considerations, the fact he's opening from UTG, the immense playability of this hand, and the fact we're going to have to fold an annoying amount of equity when jammed on, means this is a slamdunk flat here. With a blocker to the aces we can conceiavably play this hand unimproved on a bunch of runouts too.

I hate to raise/fold this hand but I think you need to fold now. I agree with flatting for the given reasons.

Yeah I think I blew this one. Due to icm probably should have flatted in position. I called and he had AA97 with diamonds.

Flop was 1087 with two diamonds so I likely get way with minimal loss if he bets flop. Turn did bring a backdoor spade possibility but river bricked so was out.
