Double suited AA deep

Double suited AA deep

Hi all,

played an interesting hand with AAT8ds hearts and clubs.

Was UTG, 7 handed, sitting on 230bb. I open pot, UTG+1, new at the table, no significant stats, but did not seem out of line, repots.

UTG+2 calls - he has precisely 100% VPIP over a large sample, he was the whale at the table.

Folds to SB which has also a bit over 200bb and he just calls. He is not as bad as others, but also not some crusher.

It gets back to me and I think a bit on just calling and discuising my hand. But then I decide a reraise would probably knock out SB and maybe even UTG+1 and let me stack off the whale and get the dead money as well.

So I repot (about 55bb i think), UTG+1 and UTG+2 both fold, but SB calls.



Check Check. I checked flop because even though I have a T, he could definitely have even more connection on this flop.


He bets small, like 25%. At this point, I think he is milking me with the nut straight and maybe a FD to go on top. I can also imagine just the FD and maybe a pair, 2 pair, or some SD.

I fold.

Was the fold too tight? Any decision before which is wrong?

Thanks for any help!

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18 February 2025 at 05:07 PM

9 Replies

fold is ok i guess, but imo you went slightly wrong on the flop.
i cbet there 25-33% ish, for 2 reasons:
a) you have the T blocker, so he doesn't have to have a str there
b) you also have 10-8, which is exactly the range of the flop cards.
c) i'd like to know where i stand, if you check there and the board pairs on the turn and he leads, you have to fold (could be 2 pair turned into a boat, but also 2 pair counterfitted, but thats the thing, you don't know. by betting know you keep him way more honest on the turn, and might even get a free card, like bet call flop, check check, turn, and then decide depending on river card and action

Pre flop is fine. I don't always pot aces but here you had a chance to get a favorable SPR with the best equity since these are strong aces with the two suits.

On the flop I'm not sure I like the check behind. Per my estimate your SPR is only a bit over 1 to 1. You are against one opponent, you do have a straight draw, a backdoor nut flush draw, a pair on board with the 8 (which can trip up) and an the best over pair. The only time I'd check is against an opponent who is bluff heavy after you show weakness.

As played on the turn I'd call the small turn bet and re-evaluate on the river. You wrote "I think he is milking me with the nut straight and maybe a FD to go on top. I can also imagine just the FD and maybe a pair, 2 pair, or some SD." Based on your own writing it's a case for a turn call of a small bet. If the flush comes on the river I'd fold facing a big bet but call down most other rivers. And I'd bet if checked to when I improve to trips or make my own straight without the flush.

Preflop is perfect and a massive punt not to 4b.

Flop the SB has a leading range on this board (in 6 max it’s 100% lol) so you have to ask yourself a few questions.

Does he know he has a leading range and if he does why didn’t he lead? Is he checking range despite having a leading range or does he just not know and checking based on hand strength?

This determines your strategy.

In practice i find people don’t generally know the boards they can lead on so I live nodelock to them checking range and only leading the merged but vulnerable hands like weak 2 pairs or sets until they show me otherwise. Most live players will check raise straights on this board.

Therefore here i would just play what my range wants to do when checked to. In this spot we bet 33 in 4b pots very rarely. I think this hand has enough with the T and 8 and BDFD to bet and force some equity folds and it’s not a disaster to just fold our equity if we get piled on here against weak passive live fish. Being IP just the act of betting is inherently polar since we have the option to take a free card so we don’t have to pile to be polarized. We do check with a majority of our range tho so a check in theory is fine. Almost all our bets come from exclusively straights and hands like sets and 2pair with straight blockers or draws and we can just funnel all bets into those hands and be fine.

Turn I don’t think we can fold to this sizing. We have outs vs sets and 2pair and the bet is small enough that we should have enough equity and realization when we are IP on the river.

You have to bet this flop holding the T8 on a rainbow board, with the one BDFD. As played, def calling the turn. Seems like 2pr or pair + str8 draw or FD type of bet. A straight most likely isn't checking the flop and betting that small ott unless they have the nut diamond draw to go with it.

You think too much. Obv 4-bet pre, one of the best possible hands to put in as much money as possible. I think flop check is fine, absolutely call this size on the turn.

As played turn is a clear check.

Flop MIGHT be a pot/call opposed to check. It's a little awkward to range check,when we block a lot of hands that semibluff the flop, and playability is bad on a lot of turns.

by monikrazy k

As played turn is a clear check.

Flop MIGHT be a pot/call opposed to check. It's a little awkward to range check,when we block a lot of hands that semibluff the flop, and playability is bad on a lot of turns.

Always look forward to your opines but this one needs a redo. Hero's opponent bet small on the turn so check was not an option.

by middlebridge k

Always look forward to your opines but this one needs a redo. Hero's opponent bet small on the turn so check was not an option.

meant to write hero turn was a clear call

Ten and 8 blockers make potting flop at spr 1.5 appealing.
