Overplay with 2nd nut straight?

Overplay with 2nd nut straight?

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Hand starts at 18:55

(1) Preflop seems questionable. Should he fold to BB's $100 open? Fold to LJ's limp-3bet?

(2) Hero thinks he misplayed the hand. But I think it was fine. Villain was drunk and aggro. He could have had a set, draw, or maybe the same hand. Can he find a fold on the flop?

Edit: Stack sizes are confusing, but I believe hero is shoving about 1.5k to win 4.3k when called.

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19 February 2025 at 01:41 AM

4 Replies

Fold pre. You aren’t deep here. You are 100bb effective with the straddle. Always be aware of the straddles and how they should affect your RFI. You should be wanting to isolate the fish IP in 3b pots. Not taking loose hands and passive lines vs them. If your hand can’t 3b them to isolate, it needs to be good enough to take multi-way and i think this is just a bit too loose. With pocket tens we need to be really connected and the 6 really sucks. TT97 might be the cutoff but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s TT98 and the cutoff for jacks would be JJ97 or JJT8. That said, it’s not egregious, but just a pip too wide IMO.

Flop is the real misplay. We have the second nuts, with a top pair set/2p blocker and also block the 3rd nuts. This is a great hand to check. We block hands like 65 and sets and 2 pairs, block straight draws, and have no redraw outside runner runner. I’d much rather bet with the raw TT or JJ as when we get XR we can just fold. Here as you can see, we just don’t know what to do. As played I just fold. Live players are too face up and always look to XR the nuts but lead with mergey value. I’d rather face a lead with this hand than a XR.

Live hand shaking/nervousness is always the nuts as well until they show you otherwise.

by Echemondo k

Fold pre. You aren’t deep here. You are 100bb effective with the straddle. Always be aware of the straddles and how they should affect your RFI. You should be wanting to isolate the fish IP in 3b pots. Not taking loose hands and passive lines vs them. If your hand can’t 3b them to isolate, it needs to be good enough to take multi-way and i think this is just a bit too loose. With pocket tens we need to be really connected and the 6 really sucks. TT97 might be the cutoff but I wouldn&

Thanks, this is really good advice.

pre is def spew

I think the flop bet is a little too small, but this is the type of hand its normally correct to fold to the xr, because we block the nuts and top sets. If the plan was to bet/small to induce vs. fish, w/e, that's fine - but this isn't a hand hero should be playing pre-flop anyway from EP.

by monikrazy k

pre is def spew

I think the flop bet is a little too small, but this is the type of hand its normally correct to fold to the xr, because we block the nuts and top sets. If the plan was to bet/small to induce vs. fish, w/e, that's fine - but this isn't a hand hero should be playing pre-flop anyway from EP.

I think Hero bet small because it was into a dry side pot. But I agree with your main point.
