Solver question
6 Replies
Things can get lost in translation, but let's try to clear this up. It appears that you typed AKT3 without picking any suits and it get gave you all the possible combinations which actually a good thing here. For simplicity we say it is a fold 91% of the time, a call 9% of the time and never a raise. Look very carefully at the suits of the calls. I will use brackets to make it easier to see. You only call with [A3][KT] double suited or [AT][K3] double suited. Why not the [AK][T3] double suited? Because look again the [AK][T3] is suited to the Ace and the Ten which is no where near as good as the other two.
[A3][KT] double suited, you have an ACE high and a King high suit
[AT][K3] double suited, you have an ACE high and a King high suit
No where near as good
[AK][T3] double suited, , you have an ACE high and a Ten high suit
Really bad
everything else that is rainbow suited, single suited, triple suited or quad suited.
So the above covers your hand. The rest is that you are out of position to the whole table in a raised pot deep stacked which is not good and required some serious strength to continue.
I'm talking about the single hand which appears in the pot range .
It also appears in last place on the fold range .
Exact same suits .
[A3][KT] also appears in the call column.
[A3][KT] fold 12% -.50
[A3][KT] call 87% -.34
[A3][KT] raise 1% -1.53
That totals 100% of the time.
[AK][T3] fold 99% -.50
[AK][T3] call 1% -.88
Solves can take a long time to consolidate. Maybe both or one of those end up at 100% in a certain column, but even if those percentages stay the same are you really going to waste the brain power trying to do something 1% of the time with a worse ev instead of simplifying?
The funniest one I'm ever seen that hadn't even begun to consolidate. I was playing and the flop was trips on board and I had quads and an over pair. I hit the board so hard I figured it was probably a call instead of raise. When I looked it up later that day it said fold 33% call 33% raise 33% like it just gave each of the three options a 1/3 possibility to start and hadn't started solving yet. But my gut tells me that folding quads on the flop is no bueno.
I'm talking about the single hand which appears in the pot range .
It also appears in last place on the fold range .
Exact same suits .
Solving PLO preflop takes a long time and I would imagine this is an error that would work itself out in time. Most likely the hand will become a 100% call, never fold, never pot. When you look at the EV, potting is clearly a losing move. Calling is more ev than folding.
The only way two options should mix is if they are not the same EV, and this rarely of ever happens in PLO, it tends to be more of an issue with the solve not running for long enough. But at a certain point you sacrifice perfection for more reliable time to solve. At the end of the day, the take away is thst the equilibrium strategy is call.
Solving PLO preflop takes a long time and I would imagine this is an error that would work itself out in time. Most likely the hand will become a 100% call, never fold, never pot. When you look at the EV, potting is clearly a losing move. Calling is more ev than folding.
Funny to think people are paying for presolves that might contain errors because the trees were too big to calculate fully.
I feel like such a tiny "error" can be overlooked here, clearly not by this guy here but still. This error is something you can write off. Not trying to completely defend PLOMM but its definitely not a sham product and its at least worth 75% of what it costs for a subscription for many players.