AKKT ds on 963 rb Board (5-5 PLO Live)

AKKT ds on 963 rb Board (5-5 PLO Live)

game is going for some time, new player comes in, had to wait a while, loose aggro whale, eager to play, this is his first hand:

he starts with 1.2Kish, i cover.
straddle to 10 is on, he opens to 40 in early position, 3 people flat, i 3bet to 260, he calls, the others all fold. Pot 660, SPR effective 1.5ish

board 9-6-3 rb, with one spade and one club (so i have Kings and 2 backdoor fl draws).
he checks, i bet 240 (little over 1/3 pot), he jams all in.

must call?
fold possible?

i am always very lost against these kind of players, he can have everything here (don't start with ranges with this guy), set, 2 pair, or just a gutshot, all is possible.

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01 March 2025 at 09:59 AM

13 Replies

Do you know the player? Any history as to what he can have when jamming? It is actually not even a big mistake if he paired the board and has any kind of SD (like JT97). So you are probably ahead, very unlikely badly behind and most likely it is correct for both of you to jam given the SPR.

With such a low SPR with the board looking like it completely missed you the whale could very likely be gambling with a single pair and/or weak draw. Even if he flopped a set you're not dead (and if he flopped a set i think he might slow play a round since the board is unlikely to hit you hard). This is a call all day against the player you described. Also note he may have sensed weakness with your relatively small flop bet.

An added bonus is that if he wins the money won't be locked up.

by middlebridge k

An added bonus is that if he wins the money won't be locked up.

Well, that’s for sure with him ;-)))

In game I decided basically the same (can’t fold against him, his range is simply too wide, plus low SPR etc.
He ended up having no pair plus double gutter and of course he hit and stacked me. ;-)

At this SPR just pot it.

by OmahaDonk k

At this SPR just pot it.

not sure why, so let me ask you to clarify (for myself):

1. potting means, i'm not folding anymore. if he hits big (like say, set or something like that, i pot into monster very likely loosing). but if he has nothing, he folds
2. by betting small (same intention, not folding) i give him rope to hang himself (if he repots with weaker holding)

so, only real upside i see with potting is potential fold equity, correct?
or am i missing something?

Yes make him pay full price with all the 1 pair hands he doesn’t want to fold, for example 9TJQ could really benefit from seeing a cheap turn.

You will be potting this flop with a lot of your 3b range.

If he has it he has it, it’s too late now.

As played, you have to pay 700 more for a final pot of around 2500. So you need to win around 30% of the time. Easy call IMO, since, only vs a set you will have less than that, and this particular vilain, as described, can make this play with many other hands.

Yeah, thx, I am realizing now you are all correct.
I probably have seen him show up too often with set 3s or stuff like that, so I’m traumatized ��

You guys are maniacs lol.

Why are we betting this board? We have no relevant blockers or draws and with 2 BDFDs seeing a turn is super imperative. Any pair plus draw can just XR us all in and force us to fold a lot of our equity or get it in slim to none. 33% is such an awkward size on a board like this as well. I don’t like any of this.

Preflop is fine.

Check flop.

Evaluate turns.

by Echemondo k

You guys are maniacs lol.

Why are we betting this board We have no relevant blockers or draws and with 2 BDFDs seeing a turn is super imperative. Any pair plus draw can just XR us all in and force us to fold a lot of our equity or get it in slim to none. 33% is such an awkward size on a board like this as well. I don't like any of this.

Preflop is fine.

Check flop.

Evaluate turns.

well, thank you very much Sir ... they all come along, same view, have me convinced ... and now you throw it all out the window again ;-)))

by Pokerbros_Player k
by Echemondo k

You guys are maniacs lol.

Why are we betting this board We have no relevant blockers or draws and with 2 BDFDs seeing a turn is super imperative. Any pair plus draw can just XR us all in and force us to fold a lot of our equity or get it in slim to none. 33% is such an awkward size on a board like this as well. I don't like any of this.

Preflop is fine.

Check flop.

Evaluate turns.

well, thank you very much Sir ... they all come along, same view, have me convinced ... and now you throw it all out the

I can get behind denying equity but if so we just pot stack off on this board and that’s only cuz we have 2 BDFD. With just 1 BDFD we just check im sure.

so the main mistake in all scenarios is the 1/3 bet on the flop ...

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I check/evaluate or pot the flop and commit. The 1/3 just let's him jam and make you think too hard. If I bet 1/3 it's too induce.
