Flopped Second Pair v. Blind 5-Bet Pre
Live 5-5
BTN straddles 10
SB whale raises to 30 blind (3k stack)
BB raises to 100 blind
EP folds
MP folds
HJ folds
CO [Hero] raises to 200 with Jd Tc 8h 7d (1.6k stack)
BTN folds
SB raises to 500 blind
BB folds
Hero calls
Whale now looks at his hand.
Pot 1110
Flop Ad Ts 5h
Whale bets 500
Hero tanks
Whale shows neighbor his hand.
Whale goads me to get the money in so we can run it twice.
He gives me A TON of action. Way more than anyone else.
13 Replies
What's the purpose of the 200 raise ?
I would wait for a better spot in this table.
This is street poker
Idk what to do with street poker
Ur saying he raised to 500 before looking at his hand? If so why not just jam lol? I never understand why anyone just calls blind raises lol.
As played tho u flopped a pair in a 1spr spot. Normally on an A hi flop tho u would fold cuz this is a 4b pot (lol) but given dynamics you can’t fold a pair here. U wanted to give action and this is as good as it’s gonna get

For context, Hero is not much of a favorite over any 4 cards. We also weight card removal factors of everyone else folding, and villain choosing to bet flop so it will be lower in reality. Hero only has 1.1 behind so even though he is betting 500, its not hugely different from an all-in, except hero can choose to fold turn if he chooses.
The thing is, hero isn't in awful shape against most hands either. I don't think giving villain action here is likely to be a big mistake, whether you want to run it twice or see a turn (and maybe save $600 if you fold cards you dislike).
Hero only needs ~30% to stack here so folding may actually be a mistake.
I don’t think villain is bluffing here a ton. Especially after all the post-bet antics. But I imagine he’s bluffing just enough for me to have over 33% equity.
I also thought folding was potentially a big mistake.
Why not just stick it in preflop? If he's truly blind here you're 53% vs ATC and it's great for the game action wise. Problem with calling is you're going to make mistakes postflop and with the SPR so low anyways it's sort of pointless.
Why not just stick it in preflop? If he's truly blind here you're 53% vs ATC and it's great for the game action wise. Problem with calling is you're going to make mistakes postflop and with the SPR so low anyways it's sort of pointless.
K-high rundown with a suit and a couple of gaps is probably worth sticking in. Maybe Q-high rundown with a suit and one gap as well.
But J-high rundown with a suit and one gap seems a little thin. I think I can capture a bigger edge from his mistakes post-flop by just calling.
Again, I think it would've been more correct to open-limp for 100 instead of min-opening for 12.5% of my stack or open-potting for over 20% of my stack.
Why not just stick it in preflop? If he's truly blind here you're 53% vs ATC and it's great for the game action wise. Problem with calling is you're going to make mistakes postflop and with the SPR so low anyways it's sort of pointless.
K-high rundown with a suit and a couple of gaps is probably worth sticking in. Maybe Q-high rundown with a suit and one gap as well.
But J-high rundown with a suit and one gap seems a little thin. I think I can capture a bigger edge from his mistakes post-flop by j
Fold pre or jam it in. There is no value whatsoever in just calling blind raises.
If your hand isn’t good enough to raise a blind raise, then it’s a fold.
What’s the point of opening up the action to BB pre? If you’re gonna raise at least make it 300.
Flop is an easy call vs a random hand. He might be showing his neighbor that wheel draw the whales love.
If I'm going to 4bet pre, I'm definitely 6betting (gii) vs. a blind 5bet.
As played, shove or fold. Either is fine.