PLO 5-5, nuts str (no redraw), deep

PLO 5-5, nuts str (no redraw), deep

EP open to 20, 4 callers, i'm in BB and complete with 4h5s6h6c
Villain is a new player, very loose and aggressive, has 4K stack. i cover, have 4.5ish

flop 3d4s7d
we obv. flop the nuts but no redraw.

i check, villain pots to 125, all other players fold, i call

turn 3d4s7d 9c

i check again, villain pots again, to 375

now i could CR to 1500 here, but decide to just flat
(for obvious reasons, don't have a redraw, and if he has the same str i put in all my money just to chop, or could loose (if he has a redraw).
he could also be playing a set with a flush draw to go or something like that, then it would be almost a coin flip.

Do we ever CR here (bc the guy is very loose and aggro, could have a wide range)?
also bc i have two 6s, making it unlikely that he has the same str?
Or is my line correct?


river was a complete brick (Qh), so i still have the nuts. I check again, he bets full pot, now i CR and he folds, never saw his hand

) 5 Views 5
13 March 2025 at 08:33 AM

24 Replies

I would fold preflop.

Well played.

by deuceblocker k

I would fold preflop.

thank you for your deep thoughts and serious comment, much appreciated

You're probably supposed to fold this pre but whatever, I don't.

I quite like a river lead. You could even be block-betting some wild two pair or set and he might both call a bunch of 2p hands he wouldn't be betting himself, or raise if he thinks you just don't have it. I quite like 1/3rd pot. You just don't have an effective bluff range when you cr the river getting here this way, not when he's played his hand so strong, and this probably wouldn't escape even a novice as long as he wasn't on wild tilt.

by wazz k

You're probably supposed to fold this pre but whatever, I don't.

well, technically, in pure "gto-land", maybe, yeah ... but never folding that in the live games i play in. (besides, i call 15 for a pot of 110 at that point, getting 7 to 1, and closing the action ...not much that i fold there)

by wazz k

I quite like a river lead. You could even be block-betting some wild two pair or set and he might both call a bunch of 2p hands he wouldn't be betting himself, or raise if he thinks you just don't have it. I quite like 1/3rd pot. You just don't have an effective bluff range when you cr the river getting here this way, not when he's played his hand so strong, and this probably wouldn't escape even a novice as long as he wasn't on wild tilt.

sure, against a better player for sure, that would have been a valid option.
but the way the guy was playing, just potting and potting, i didn't wanna alert him to the fact that i actually had a hand, wanted to made it look like i was on a draw myself (that had missed), i was 99% sure he was continue to pot again when i check (which he did)

but what about my original question Wazz, you only call (and don't CR) the turn as well then??

I call pre, too. I actually like a raise on the turn (assuming V is EP opener). As played, I lead river unless I am 99% sure he's betting, which I just glanced up and saw that you were, so fine.

At this point I haven’t read spoiler.

Calling closing action in BB with this perfect single suited rundown is fine. If it had 3 suits or rainbow I’d fold even closing action.

Up to the spoiler you played perfectly. OOP with no redraw uber mega deep this is very well played.

I am reading spoiler now

And perfectly played

Well done sir. I wouldn’t change a single thing.

by Echemondo k

At this point I haven't read spoiler.

Calling closing action in BB with this perfect single suited rundown is fine. If it had 3 suits or rainbow I'd fold even closing action.

Up to the spoiler you played perfectly. OOP with no redraw uber mega deep this is very well played.

I am reading spoiler now

And perfectly played

Well done sir. I wouldn't change a single thing.

hehe ... just having a discussion irl with a good friend about this hand, and he's adamant about CR the turn as the right play.

his main argument:
besides for not giving the guy a free card (bc he's loose, i have two 6s, so it's unlikely he has the same str) the hand gets difficult for me on a flush or board paring river.

I understand this logic, but still like my line, especially bc it's so deep, and even if the guy is loose/bad, even fish sometimes have it, and when he turns up with the same str and a flush redraw i'm smoked

by Pokerbros_Player k
by Echemondo k

At this point I haven't read spoiler.

Calling closing action in BB with this perfect single suited rundown is fine. If it had 3 suits or rainbow I'd fold even closing action.

Up to the spoiler you played perfectly. OOP with no redraw uber mega deep this is very well played.

I am reading spoiler now

And perfectly played

Well done sir. I wouldn't change a single thing.

hehe ... just having a discussion irl with a good friend about this hand, and he's adamant about CR the turn as the right play.

his ma

You are way too deep here. You’re what like 950bb deep? I promise you that xraising the turn here with no redraw or relevant blocker is a bad play and quite terrible. Him potting here should be at minimum 2pair + FD but could be something like top wrap + NFD or set + NFD which like you said is a flip. You have to be uber passive here and is a product of playing this hand this deep oop.

Always remember to eliminate the fear of having to “protect your equity”. The truth is that you can’t in PLO. Had you had 65 with NFD or 2 pair like 7654 with a heart or two then you can gladly XR the turn. Naked nuts always play passively in almost every single spot, especially OOP, and especially infinitely deep.

by Echemondo k

You are way too deep here. You're what like 950bb deep I promise you that xraising the turn here with no redraw or relevant blocker is a bad play and quite terrible. Him potting here should be at minimum 2pair + FD but could be something like top wrap + NFD or set + NFD which like you said is a flip. You have to be uber passive here and is a product of playing this hand this deep oop.

Always remember to eliminate the fear of having to "protect your equity". The truth is that you can't in PLO. Ha

yep, agreed

what made me question my play was the fact, that the guy was really aggro and showing up with all kinds of hands (in previous spots) ... but he was also not stupid, and surely realized that i'm playing on the tighter side, so when i call his pot bet there oop very deep, then i have a hand, and him continuing with pot on the turn means, he has a hand too

by Pokerbros_Player k

I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You only need very few bluffs in this line and you can literally only use these hands classes if you wanted.

A55x with NFD
A66x with NFD

People saying you have no bluffs here don’t realize how insanely deep you are. You can even use a hand like 9876 or A76x or A75x etc but then you are prolly overbluffing in this exact line. I’d stick to double straight blockers.

If he thinks you are tight, what in the world does he put you on? I guess missed diamonds? If I were he against a tight player and I didn't have a big hand, I'd just check back the river. Wonder what he had.

by Javanewt k

If he thinks you are tight, what in the world does he put you on? I guess missed diamonds? If I were he against a tight player and I didn't have a big hand, I'd just check back the river. Wonder what he had.

Lower set? 2 pair?

Who wouldn’t bet the river if so many of you are telling him to XR the turn lol. If you XR all your straights at some point, your river range is capped and he can comfortably bet with any set or even top 2 getting calls from weaker 2 pair who think he was blasting off with a high equity draw.

no idea, he didn't show and also didn't say anything.
but couldn't have been much, he folded very quickly after my river CR

(but then again, could have been a set even top set as well, my river CR is always nuts at that point, there are no bluffs or weaker hands in my range anymore)

OK. Just difficult to imagine a tight player in BB calling pre, flop, and turn w/ low two pair on this board. Set over set is questionable, too, but possible.

Who wouldn’t bet the river if so many of you are telling him to XR the turn lol. I think one of us (me) said XR turn. LOL.

As stated, if I'm V I'm checking back the river unless I have 99 or somehow backed into QQ. Not sure I pot it, though.

Why don't you X/R turn (only because you are so deep?) or lead river? Do you think V is folding 99 to a check/raise on the turn?

I guess I'm just a little more cautious on boards like this when tight players are calling pot-size bets, but I play against guys who love to "trap" the splashier players.

by Javanewt k

Why don't you X/R turn (only because you are so deep) or lead river Do you think V is folding 99 to a check/raise on the turn

2 reasons
a) it's possible for him to have same str with some redraw, then i'm putting in 4K just to chop 125$, and can possible loose it all (i can't improve my hand)
b) yeah, fold to CR on turn is possible, and the way he was playing in other hands before that, i was as mentioned very sure he'd continue betting on river when a blank comes

also (on a more general side note):
the game is usually very good, there are almost always good opportunities to win nice pots in much safer (lower variance) spots ... so i try to stay away from high risk/high variance ones (even when that means giving up a little equity).

makes for a very relaxed and very consistent win rate without too much headache

Yep, I remember now that you were sure he would bet, and I agreed that checking was the right thing to do 😉 I'd love to have someone like him at my table -- so few and far between in my games.

I am a tight player, and if I call pot, pot, they are mostly checking behind w/o the nuts :(

yeah, those guys are rare and few ... and usually they don't last very long

At this spr if we gii in flop or turn we’re going to be in bad shape. Just keep check calling, it’s nice to protect our range. River check raise is nice too. We wouldn’t be donking without the nuts.

He cbet 6 ways, which should lead us to believe he’s going to barrel our best runouts. If he checks back turn that’s not a terrible result either.

Surely if you're not donking the nuts you're even less likely to be c/ring the nuts

There aren’t a lot of natural bluffs. We don’t want to check raise with diamonds and sets are too strong to bluff. We would need something like 2 pair and a straight blocker with no diamonds to check raise bluff.

The flop was cbet 6 ways. Sometimes a range is so narrow that it’s almost always the nuts, and that’s what will happen when we check call check call check raise.

I meant 'c/ring without the nuts'
