Wet flop spot against 2 donks

Wet flop spot against 2 donks


We have 6778 ds in the sb

Utg 1 limp, ep raises to 100 , 4 callers , we call in the sb , bb calls, uts calls .

Flop 468 with 2 diamonds (700)
, we have diamonds as well .

Bb agressive donk bets pot .700
Button calls.

Button has 2000 starting stack
Bb has 4000 .

Bb was betting pot almost every hand , coming in qith garbage mostly.we block straights and top sets.
Do you think we can bluff here with tight image and some equity if we're wrong ?

Calling i think is not a good idea out of position.

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19 March 2025 at 01:11 AM

9 Replies

Which diamonds? Please type out the hand history using where applicable, I am assuming you didn't also have a bdfd so other suites aren't really needed at this SPR. Course of action is influenced by which you have and which are on board. Also what is your stack?

I would normally lead flop 480 using 2 black, 1 red, and rest green. You clean up a lot of equity vs hands which have 15% - 50% equity, but aren't able to call given how many players are in the pot like J 2 J Q or Q 9 5 J

Fold pre though, you're lighting money on fire playing this from the SB vs the entire table, a bit more so when you are only posting 40% of a BB and not 50% in a 1:2 SB:BB structure. I don't want to play this hand vs 5 or more players being first to act from the SB.

Sorry, don't remember exactly which diamonds I had.
We do have backdoor flashdraw as well .

If we lead flop , what's our plan on blank turns ?
Or cards which brings in higher straights?

I guess we are going to get a few calls on a bet this size, and stacks weren't so deep .
Bb was the most deep after us .

Just cram. It's not just that we have blockers to the nuts right now, we have the best blockers to all the draws other than the nfd, against which we're doing well. All the overcards and most of the diamonds are bad or kill our action, so trying to 'play poker' in this spot oop would be a sort of madness with the pot as big as it is.

If I think there's say a ~15% chance either of the guys left to act might squeeze I'd fold pre.

You already know what ima say lol.

by Echemondo k

You already know what ima say lol.

Fold pre ? 😆

Ok understood should fold pre in this position .
But game was so soft, and we were up alot ,new place , didn't want to show up so nit.

So given the spot we are already in , how would you play it ?

by Cardead k

Ok understood should fold pre in this position .
But game was so soft, and we were up alot, new place, didn't want to show up so nit.

So given the spot we are already in, how would you play it ?

I mean as played we have 2 pair, block nuts and the best sets and block diamond draws

I personally would just jam. If you didn’t have diamonds I would just call or fold.

If you were IP you can call.

We do a lot more raising OOP so we stack enough properties here to do so as played.

Ship it in and clean up all that non nutted equity. It’s worth noting we have a straight flush draw.

even against fishy BB really not thrilled to x-jam going 7 ways to a flop

if BB is lighting money on fire we can just lock it in as +EV and call it a day, but I would be curious about the worst hand he is shoving, since xjam might be closer to neutral EV, and calling to see a turn might be OK

Hero is probably flipping vs BTN range in practice

doing some sims, I'm getting maybe 45% Hero equity 3way in best case scenarios, but 35% seems a lot more realistic if BB connected at all; we want ~30% to stack off and presumably BB/BTN never fold to our jam
