Am I playing PLO wrong? (micros)

Am I playing PLO wrong? (micros)

Playing mostly .5/.10 and .10/.25 on ignition.
I'm a winning player over many months and 10's of thousands of hands, usually 5-10 bb/hr.
But I play basically ABC Omaha: betting for value, using position and blockers, like a galfond or jnandez.
I'm not unhappy with it, but is it the right strategy for these stakes?

my vpip is around 25-30% (no tracker on ignition),
but often times I see these players with 800-900 BB at the table, vpip 90%, and they play almost every hand, see every flop. like old-school isildur but more controlled.
They're not maniacs where they have to PFR every hand and consequently pot every street,
but they will call you down with every out, IE playing K974ss in the sb and call down a K105 rainbow flop, turn an 8, river a 6 and opponent mucks something like AKJ8ds.

I hope I am making sense, does anybody have any advice for this dillemma?
It can be pretty tilting playing a 4hour session coming out with a 125bb profit, when these LAGS are making 10+ Buyins in 2 hours.
Thanks for the help

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19 March 2025 at 11:04 AM

4 Replies

You're seeing what's on the table, not what they've put onto the table to get there, nor the gigantic losses these playing styles produce when they're not running golden. 125bbs is a decent winrate for a 4 hour sesh i'd say

by wazz k

You're seeing what's on the table, not what they've put onto the table to get there, nor the gigantic losses these playing styles produce when they're not running golden. 125bbs is a decent winrate for a 4 hour sesh i'd say

I appreciate it, I guess I phrased my op wrong (English not first language).
Could I be playing too tight with a vpip of 25%ish? should it be more 50%, seeing more flops? These guys are absolute donks at these stakes, and I am always afraid they have the nuts.
IE I flop bottom set, they donk flop, I raise, they reraise, I fold thinking they have top or middle set, they show top and bottom pair or TPTK.
I flop top 2, they shove after I pot, I think they have a set, and they show a flush or straight draw.
The 90% vpip guys I'm talking about see basically every flop, dont really bloat the pot pre, and call along if they have a nut draw.
Is this a profitable style of play? or is the galfond/Luke botter style the way to go? TAG and only "good" hands?
I see a lot of people here mention they have swings of 5-10 buy ins a session and that's normal, I rarely swing more than 2-3 but also rarely make more than 2-3 buy ins. I fold A
thanks dude

Keep doing what you're doing, but get better at what you're doing

Players are way too loose at these stakes, which inversely affects our PFR range.

We get tighter and play less hands, however we can also RFI a little more mergey for value.

At those stakes i was playing around 27-35% vpip with around 10-15% 3b with a more merged 3b range and mostly IP with a 20+bb/100. This will work all the way to around PLO200 and then you will need to be a bit more theory based at reg tables or table select. You almost never have to table select below plo200 on any site.

Also lile stated above, you dont see what they are in for or how much they’ve lost prior. I’ve seen people run up 600bb stacks but be in for more. All u see is the 600.
