need some tips/thoughts on first time FLO8 session
I played 30 hrs in two day span at orleans in LV, if you were at teh 4-8 tables you prolly know who I am
I ended up being down 300$ or close to it. I only played like 3% of my hands and made 3 bad rookie decisions were I wasnt disciplined at all and lost prolly 60-75$ in those 3 hands.
other then that i have no ****ing clue where I went wrong, I felt being tight at the tables at these loose passive would give me small winrate but it didnt happen, I got blinded off and in several hours even after winning a pot I would be down 40-60% of my BI just from me folding.
everyone at table thought i played too tight but they were playing A LOT of hands and seeing flops cheaply with muiddle connectors and whatnot, i tried to loosen up with hands such as A5o if it was just for teh BB n the dealer or CO but I am jus tpuzzled at how I was such a big loser for having played super tight. and no it cant be variance
any thoughts? I only played hands with A2, A3 or A45 if it was suited or LP only for a BB call, as well as other hands free from BB
did I just play too tight, i thought tightest player at table had a chance to be a small winner??