3bp vs fish PLO8
Interested in thoughts here. Not sure on 3bet. I thought vs a fish, being deepstacked, we should be pushing the envelope a bit to play bigger pots in position.
Flop feels like a clear and uncontroversial pot, turn I thought should be pot as well, but a much more experienced player than I said he liked check more. Curious on thoughts here for all streets.
PokerStars - $10 PL Hi/Lo (6 max) - Omaha Hi/Lo - 3 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 4
BTN: 153.78 BB
SB: 436 BB
Hero (BB): 230.9 BB
SB posts SB 0.5 BB, Hero posts BB 1 BB
Pre Flop: (pot: 1.5 BB) Hero has Q♦ A♦ 2♦ 5♣
fold, SB raises to 3 BB, Hero raises to 9 BB, SB calls 6 BB
Flop: (18 BB, 2 players) 8♦ K♠ 4♦
SB checks, Hero bets 17.8 BB, SB calls 17.8 BB
Turn: (53.6 BB, 2 players) J♥
SB checks, Hero bets 53.4 BB, SB raises to 213.6 BB, Hero calls 150.7 BB and is all-in
River: (461.8 BB, 2 players) 3♣
SB shows A♥ J♣ 4♠ 2♠ (High: Two Pair, Jacks and Fours, Low: 8432A)
(Pre 47%, Flop 45%, Turn 66%)
Hero shows Q♦ A♦ 2♦ 5♣ (High: High Card, Ace, Low: 8432A)
(Pre 53%, Flop 55%, Turn 34%)
SB wins 346.2 BB
Hero wins 115.4 BB
1 Reply
Pre easy 3-bet, flop fine if you want to have pot bets. Turn I think both plays are ok but I'd lean towards check.