

5-10-20. Villain in utg is loose pre and reasonable post with 8k. Hero has 2.5k and the other stacks are 2-4k.

Hero in HJ with A2478ds

Pre: UTG limps, hero 60, co btn str utg calls. 5 ways

Flop (375) : Q75r, bdnfd
Check, V pots 375, hero..

07 January 2024 at 10:03 PM

9 Replies

I'm calling.

Sorry pot was 315

I think I'd seriously consider folding.

Just curious, is there a reason we aren’t potting pre?

by dont make us k

Just curious, is there a reason we aren’t potting pre?

I usually 3x pre but pot might be better.

Yeah I usually just pot but wasn’t sure if you had like a certain exploit or something

by dont make us k

Yeah I usually just pot but wasn’t sure if you had like a certain exploit or something

I sometimes full pot as well. Factors are who is in the blinds, who is high vpip and their position, stack sizes, hand strength / attributes.

For example 5k eff with deep fish in the blinds I’d be more tempted to full pot.

by OmahaDonk k

I sometimes full pot as well. Factors are who is in the blinds, who is high vpip and their position, stack sizes, hand strength / attributes.

For example 5k eff with deep fish in the blinds I’d be more tempted to full pot.

Makes total sense. Or if a lag is on btn, going 2.5 or 3x to keep pot smaller while oop

Just always pot and you are giving nothing away.
